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J.D. Heyes

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Jan. 30 2013

(NaturalNews) President Obama and top Democrats in Congress have made it quite clear in recent days: They want massive new gun bans and what's more, they want to know what kind of guns you already have, and how many.


Those demands and others are contained in new legislation proposed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Jan. 24. If passed, her bill would ban scores of firearms including semi-automatic rifles, some handguns and certain types of shotguns as well.


According to USA Today, the new measure would also ban the sale of 150 types of specific guns as well as the sale of high-capacity magazines; it would exempt weapons specifically used for hunting (another attempt by Feinstein, Obama and Co. to link the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms to a sport); and while it would grandfather in weapons and magazines currently owned, it would nonetheless require owners to list them in a national registry.


Feinstein, a one-time gun-owning hypocrite who has spent a political career banning or trying to ban firearms, including being the primary author and advocate of a 1994 "assault weapons" ban that a Republican-led Congress allowed to sunset a decade later, is sponsoring her new anti-gun bill on the heels of nearly two dozen new "executive actions" signed by Obama a week earlier.


Yet, despite claiming to be acting on behalf of the people, their gun-control agenda isn't resonating with much of the public, including young Americans just starting out.


'We must move quickly to ban guns'


In fact, a majority of younger Americans say they plan to purchase a firearm at some point in the near future, according to a recent survey from American University (a study that, in and of itself, is being used to justify even more gun control).


"Despite experiencing a post-Columbine world, 60 percent of high school and college students are considering owning a gun in the future, according to a national poll," said a press release detailing the results of the survey.


Some 40 percent of the students surveyed said they "definitely" planned to exercise their Second Amendment rights once they established their own households; another 20 percent said they were "contemplating" gun ownership (which, admittedly, may not be for everybody, but that's okay; not everyone can be a doctor, soldier, police officer, teacher, etc.).


The findings were part of a much broader study conducted by American University Prof. Jennifer L. Lawless and Loyola Marymount Prof. Richard L. Fox, "which focused on the political opinions of young Americans," reported. The study was conducted before the Newtown, Conn., shootings but after the massacre at a theater in Aurora, Colo., last summer.


Lawless used the results of the survey to justify the push by the Obama administration and some in Congress to move quickly to ban guns and further erode Second Amendment rights.


A win for the Constitution


"The next generation plans on owning guns, so if we want to avoid the tragedies that we've seen... we obviously need to move quickly and if an executive order is the way to do it, then that is the way the to do it," Lawless told the website (Lawless, an associate professor of Government at American University who lists in her educational credentials a BA, MA and Ph.D in Political Science, should know that as head of the executive branch, Obama does not have the authority to legislate - that is the role of Congress).


The study went on to indicate that there's no significant difference between the number of high school and college students considering exercising their constitutional right to bear arms; both polled about 60 percent, according to the findings.


While activists like Lawless decry these results and are using them to push for unconstitutional gun control actions, they should be viewed as encouraging. Despite being inundated by anti-gun "progressives" in the media and entertainment worlds, most young people obviously recognize - and plan to utilize - their right to keep and bear arms. That's a win for the Constitution.

