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Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.

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Jan. 22, 2013










The purpose of 9/11 'false flag' was to severely limit our Constitutional Rights by passing the (USA PATRIOT), which stands for . . .  "Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001", and was signed into law by Bush, Jr., on October 26, 2001

The 'USA PATRIOT Act', is commonly known as the Patriot Act Why is that?  Because the globalists who run the world no longer consider America to be part of the business world vocabulary.  Just go on any website that sells something.  When you fill out your billing address, you will find it lists your country as the 'United States' . . . why?  'They' are frantically working to eliminate the word 'America' from our vocabulary for propaganda and brainwashing reasons.  As you know 'they' plan to combine Canada, Mexico, and America together and call it 'North America'.  If we remain the United States of America, it would conflict with the One World Communist Order called North America.
What suckers we were, bamboozled by the 'patriotism spin' they gave that title!  It took us a while to find out just what was in that bill which was NOT read by those congressional traitors who voted for it.  Parts of that bill were in effect in the 1990's, but was under legal attack.  We should have been suspicious by the SPEED in which it was voted upon.  THAT was our FIRST CLUE!  Speed is of the essence when 'they' want to put something over on the sheeple.
The Sandy Hook massacre is but another false flag event for leveraging the final incremental steps for total gun control.  Gun confiscation is the ONLY method that has been used in the past to murder 250 MILLION people world wide, in order to raise up a dictator and provide TOTAL control over the conquered, soon to be fodder and slaves. 
According to my research . . . the federal government made two preliminary attempts to begin the elimination of the 2nd Amendment.  One was the stamping the ammo with identifiers and in some places . . . requiring signatures to purchase ammo.  The next tactic was the federal government's ordering of millions ohollow point bullets using our tax dollars, while at the same time . . . contractually tying up ammo manufacturers on into the future.  Why?  Because they know that if the sheeple can't purchase any ammo it means . . . NO ammo = NO functional guns . . . a form of a back door gun confiscation.  A clever tactic isn't it, using our hard earned money to take away our ability to defend yourself from the rogue government we now have.
For example, the ammo for the AK-47 and its twin, MAK-90 both use (7.62x39 123 Gr FMJ Ammo) which is currently is nearly non-existent.  Go to the internet and try to purchase some in bulk amounts.  THERE ARE NONE!!!! 
Try to purchase an AK-47 or MAK 90 . . . you will find that they are nowhere to be found, primarily due to the previous ban on them in the 1990s AND because the sheeple have finally awakened and are snapping them up as fast as they can.  There is now only a limited supply due to the loudly and repeatedly announced upcoming laws.  Sellers are reluctant to purchase stock because the LAST time they banned those 'assault weapons' approximately one-half of those selling them, immediately went bankrupt and out of business.
The AK-47 or MAK 90 which is correctly identified as a TACTICAL or MILITARY rifle.  HOWEVER . . . The term YOU will hear over, and over, and over again is ASSAULT (i.e., defined as violently attack) rifle.  The purpose for the repetitive use of the word 'assault' is to condition you (i.e., brainwash you) into believing that it is bad, bad, bad because it can 'assault' others should you happen to own one.  Well, the rifle can't to that . . . only a PERSON can do that. 
What one must ALWAYS remember is that the 2nd Amendment is NOT about hunting . . . it is about protecting you and your family from vicious rogue governments who have killed 250 million people AFTER they confiscated their guns.  This video, which took place before a U.S. Senate committee says it best:  Suzanna Gratia-Hupp-What the Second Amendment really means can be found here: (5:24)
Sadly, what is  being ignored by the media, and those in power, is the FACT that the 'persons' who are assaulting others have REPEATEDLY turned out to be pharmaceutically drugged, mind-controlled automatons.  The REAL problem rests squarely with Big Pharma, and the 'alphabet boys' who are generating and using those methods to create chemically controlled robots who will kill on command.  What's desired is to create 'shock and awe' chaos, and stunning horror in order to leverage more restrictive gun laws.  After all . . . 'Order Out Of Chaos' is 'their' motto.  
If you still believe that the Sandy Hook shooting was a simple act of random violence . . . think again.  If you believe that the 9/11 murder of thousands was a massive 'false flag' cover-up then you will 'get it' when you watch the following videos that demonstrate the many flaws already exposed about the Sandy Hook massacre. 
Part 1:  (30:19)

Part 2: (19:01) 

I suggest you watch the above videos ASAP because they are already labeled thusly:

The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed (video)

The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially offensive or inappropriate. Viewer discretion is advised.  
or Cancel

Note:  Let me know if you find anything 'potentially offensive or Inappropriate'.  The only thing I found 'oppensive and inappropriate' was how MASSIVE the cover-up lies and propaganda have been.

The above videos were noted in the Sorcha Faal email from Sister Ciara which can be found here:

The following is an except is from that missive:

As an example using these elites latest “shock massacre” at Sandy Hook, DID YOU KNOW: That two other shooters were captured by the police?  That the alleged shooter Adam Lanza used only pistols and that the assault-style weapon currently being blamed was not even removed from the car he drove to the school? That the car he drove was, in fact, registered to a known criminal named Chris Rodia? That at least 10 memorial pages on the Internet to the victims of Sandy Hook were posted before the massacre occurred? That at least three sets of “parents” of the supposed Sandy Hook victims have been indentified [sic] as being members of organization that calls itself CrisisActors.Com whose slogan is “Trained Players and Actors Making It Real”? That exactly like the 9/11 and London attacks there just happened to be a US Department of Homeland Security exercise involving a school massacre going on 25 miles from Sandy Hook at the exact same time this attack occurred? [For more exact details about these, and other anomalies about Sandy Hook watch these two videos that provide stunning graphic proof: Part 1  Part 2 . . . full URLs to the videos are at the top.


Get ready NOW . . . because this is your future: 
Please note . . . the following article has been highlighted in red for emphasis and the notes in pink are my own: 
The following was done at WARP SPEED.  New York is where I live half the year.  I consider NY to be THE number one Illuminati state.  I may never return . . .

Gov. Cuomo Signs Nation’s Toughest Gun Control Legislation Into Law

Assembly Votes In Favor 104-43; Gov Acts Quickly To Prevent Run On Guns  

I have news for the Gov . . . the 'run on guns' has already taken place!!!

January 15, 2013 11:00 PM
(CBSNewYork/AP) – The New York State Assembly passed the toughest gun control law in the nation and the first since the Newtown, Conn., school shooting Tuesday.

The Assembly voted in favor of the bill 104-43. The bill was passed by the Senate 43-18 late Monday. It was immediately was brought to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who signed it into law.

“I am proud to be a New Yorker today. I am proud to be part of this government. Not just because New York has the first bill, but because New York has the best bill,” Gov. Cuomo said. “This is a complex, multifaceted problem and this is a comprehensive bill that addresses the full panorama and spectrum of issues that come up.

“I am proud to be New Yorker because New York is doing something, because we are fighting back. Because, yes, we’ve had tragedies; yes we’ve had too many innocent people lose their life; yes, it’s unfortunate that it took those tragedies to get us to this point, but let’s at least learn from what has happened,” Cuomo added.

The National Rifle Association quickly responded, issuing the following statement:

“These gun control schemes have failed in the past and will have no impact on public safety and crime. While lawmakers could have taken a step toward strengthening mental health reporting and focusing on criminals, they opted for trampling the rights of law-abiding gun owners in New York, and they did it under a veil of secrecy in the dark of night.”  Excellent points . . . but it doesn't matter because the One World Communist Government WILL PREVAIL!

Under current state law, assault weapons are defined by having two “military rifle” features spelled out in the law. The proposal reduces that to one feature and include the popular pistol grip.

It also forces gun owners to renew their licenses every five years, stiffens penalties for using a gun in the commission of a crime and for bringing a gun on school property.

“This bill is about protecting people, protecting our children, protecting our families,” Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said Tuesday.  Lies ALL lies!

“It is well-balanced, it protects the Second Amendment,” said Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos of Long Island. “And there is no confiscation of weapons, which was at one time being considered.”  More lies!

“Make no mistake about it, everyone. I repeat, make no mistake about it, the  number of gun deaths in New York State will decrease because of the bold actions we take today,” Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel (D-Great Neck) said.  Still more lies and propaganda, not to mention that ALL the research PROVES the inverse!

Not all in the Assembly agreed that the bill was thoroughly thought through.

“For an issue of this importance, and its impact on our Second Amendment rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, the legislation that was passed today lacked sufficient public input and discussion to ensure that we provide meaningful protection for our children, families and communities,” Assemblyman Brian Kolb said. ”Stakeholders from across the state – including law enforcement, school safety officials, firearms dealers, metal health professionals, business owners, criminal profilers, law abiding gun owners and the public at large – never had the opportunity to comment or make their voices heard regarding this critical issue.”  Oh, I'm so surprised!!

“I can’t support this. We are avoiding a lot of issues the way we deal with violence,” Assemblyman Clifford Crouch (R-Binghamton) said.

“Will someone’s rights be diminished? I have grave concerns about the bill,” added Assemblyman Peter Lopez (R-Catskill).

“I’ve heard your members get up on the floor and said ‘we’ve got to redefine the Second Amendment,’ or what I would call now the 1.5 Amendment because you’ve diminished it after this bill passed,” Republican Assemblyman James Tedisco said.

Tedisco said the new law will make innocent gun owners criminals because of the registration requirement.   True!

One provision requires therapists and doctors to tell government authorities if they believe a patient is likely to harm himself or others. That could lead to revoking a patient’s gun permit and seizing the gun.  Federal Medicare doctors are ALREADY asking these questions.

But mental health experts said the law might interfere with treatment of potentially dangerous people and even discourage them from seeking help.  Oh, THAT will NEVER happen . . . because that would be killing the 'cash cow'!

Mark Olfson, a psychiatry professor at Columbia, said if the law is crudely applied, it could erode the trust patients have in their doctors which is needed for effective care.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, one of the nation’s leading gun control advocates, said the bill will not satisfy everyone but said it is a move in the right direction.  Well . . . here you go . . . they are telling you it is JUST THE BEGINNING!!!!

“New York has been a leader. We have some of the toughest gun laws in the country and this just strengthens them, it fills in loopholes and it expands it as the society’s needs have changed and the dangers have changed to all of us,” Bloomberg told reporters including WCBS 880′s Marla Diamond. “It makes all New Yorkers safer and they all — from the governor down — deserve real credit for doing it.”  Actually NY has THE toughest state laws and the 'loop holes' they are working on closing is the one that surrounds the 'trigger' on your gun!

“It is controversial. There are people who are worried about Second Amendment rights, as am I. The Constitution says you have a right to bear arms, we have to protect that. The Supreme Court also says that you can have reasonable restrictions,” Bloomberg added.  Those 'reasonable restrictions' will become more and more and more and more restrictive as time goes on.  This will be the 'test case' for 'restrictions' . . . if this flies there WILL BE MORE!

EXTRA: Read The Bill Here

Note:  For visibility reasons in the following sections . . . my comments are in blue.

Provisions in the sweeping gun control bill include: 

  • Further restrict assault weapons to define them by a single feature, such as a pistol grip. Current law requires two features.  Most will have no idea what the significance of this is.  I will tell you that it makes it easier to use and carry and you can remove the butt stock altogether so it isn't so bulky to transport.
  • Make the unsafe storage of assault weapons a misdemeanor.   Yessiree . . . we gotta have them trigger locked, stowed in a locked place, and have the ammo and gun stowed in two different places so that when you need them you'll be dead before you get to them.
  • Mandate a police registry of assault weapons. That's a BIG one!  First of all . . . it's none of their damn business! There's nothing in the 2nd Amendment that requires that.  Of course the REAL reason is so 'they' will know WHO owns guns . . . and WHERE to find them.  That way the combined military/police 'swat teams' can burst in at 3am to confiscate them, and haul you off to FEMA camps.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out!
  • Establish a state registry for all private sales, with a background check done through a licensed dealer for a fee, excluding sales to immediate relatives.  Nibble, nibble, nibble!  A sneaky way of banning PRIVATE guns sales for non-dealers who are already licensed and registered by the government. 
  • Require a therapist who believes a mental health patient made a credible threat to use a gun illegally to report the threat to a mental health director who would then have to report serious threats to the state Department of Criminal Justice Services. A patient’s gun could be taken from him or herThey want to be able to label you a terrorist, and then put you in jail where you can no longer invoke 'habeas corpus', which is ANOTHER Constitutional violation thanks to the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) 
  • Ban the Internet sale of assault weapons.   Nibble, nibble, nibble!  They know that the 'informed' DEPEND on the internet because there will SOON be VIPR roadblocks EVERYWHERE to take your weapons en route!
  • Require stores that sell ammunition to register with the state, run background checks on buyers of bullets and keep an electronic database of bullet sales. This is a BIG one.  If you don't have ammo, your gun is USELESS!  
  • Restrict ammunition magazines to seven bullets, from the current national standard of 10. Current owners of higher-capacity magazines would have a year to sell them out of state. Someone caught with eight or more bullets in a magazine could face a misdemeanor charge.  Nibble, nibble, nibble . . . soon it will be 6, then 4, etc.  Note that it is a 'magazine' NOT a gun.  And . . . where will they 'catch' you?  Think VIPR here.  Google it! 
  • Require that stolen guns be reported within 24 hours. Otherwise, the owner would face a possible misdemeanor.
  • Increase sentences for gun crimes including for taking a gun on school property.  We gotta keep those schools 'gun free zones' to insure more massacres.  We want to make sure all those students remain 'sitting ducks'!
  • Increase penalties for shooting first responders, called the “Webster provision.” Two firefighters were killed when shot by a person who set a fire in the western New York town of Webster last month. The crime would be punishable by life in prison without parole.  Geez . . . what will they think of next for the list of 'life without parole' mandatory sentencing.  Isn't the fact of 'murder' enough?
  • Limit the state records law to protect handgun owners from being identified publicly. The provision would allow a handgun permit holder a means to maintain privacy under the Freedom of Information law.  Oh . . . somebody needs to tell the rest of the states about this provision!  That way any government types holding permits cannot be identified.
  • Require pistol permit holders or those who will be registered as owners of assault rifles to be recertified at least every five years to make sure they are still legally able to own the guns Notice that the issue is 'legally able' NOT if they are competent to use them. 

Cuomo said he wanted quick action to avoid a run on assault weapons and ammunition as he tries to address what he estimates is about 1 million assault weapons in New York state. Meanwhile, CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli froze pension fund investments in commercial fire arms manufacturers. They are valued at more than $2 million.  Please note . . . this is how they control your retirement funds and businesses. 

Republican Sen. Greg Ball said Cuomo pushed the progressive bill to serve a potential presidential ebid in 2016.  'Progressive' is the KEY word here as it is the current 'soft' term for a COMMUNIST! 

“We have taken an entire category of firearms that are currently legal that are in the homes of law-abiding, tax paying citizens. — We are now turning those law-abiding citizens into criminals,” he said. 

Senate Deputy Majority Leader Thomas Libous of Broome County voted against the bill and said it was a tough vote for upstate Republicans.

“I have had thousands of emails and calls,” Libous said. “I have to respect their wishes.” He said many of constituents worry the bill will conflict with the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms while others anguish over shootings like at Newtown and Columbine, Colo.  Well of course it DOES 'conflict' with the 'Second Amendment' because it violates it from A to Z!

You need to understand the significance of the above issues AND you . . .  MUST go to your state and county sheriffs and legislatures and work VERY hard to get protective laws DEMANDING that these state and federal laws be struck down . . . in EVERY state and county. 

Lastly, did you attend any of the state capital rallies this past Saturday to protest  against the murder of the 2nd Amendment?  If not, WHY not?  NOTHING is more important than the 2nd Amendment . . . all other constitutional rights are subsumed and protected by it.

Otherwise . . . get ready for this to happen in your town :

Prepare for WAR ~ Arm Yourself With Knowledge!

You'll find plenty of 'ammo' at


The EU and the NAU ~ Two Peas in a Pod! HERE

Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union  HERE 


Using Bilingualism to Subvert America HERE

Illegal Alien Anarchy . . . Connecting the Dots! HERE


If you are reading and sharing this information ~ you are part of the resistance! 
Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.


Researcher, Author and Founder

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