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Dec. 16, 2012


Sent an e-mail to Hobie regarding this very same topic.

Consider this scenario -- A news report I came across somewhere said that the murder weapon was an AR-15 Colt that the mother had owned. What is the bet that the shooter used an AR-15 and put it in the trunk, while dumping the Bushmaster at the scene, indicating it as the murder weapon.

From the news footage I saw of the cops pulling the weapon from the trunk, it didn't seem like a Bushmaster. Throw the weapon in the trunk and head for the trees, where [ a man ] was caught,

handcuffed and put in a police car, only later to find out that NOBODY is in custody.

My bet is that Adam Lanza was probably dead before the two shooters had entered the building. My theory is they stormed the home, killed the mother, grabbed the guns and the kid, ( They would have been watching the family for about 3 months prior ), and drove to the school. They then executed the 6 adults by crossfire shooting from the hip.

Then onto a classroom where they use the same technique on the poor kids. The Bushmaster and the 2 other hand guns are dropped at the scene, and the AR-15 is dropped in the trunk.

No survivors, no witnesses.

Now, all we need to do is chase up this 2nd shooter, but my guess is he will drop out of the news, and thereby, out of peoples' thoughts. You people in Amerika need to understand this = we had the Port Arthur massacre, please look it up.

And this is your Port Arthur, the one where they are going to [ try to ] take your guns. Here in Australia they took our guns after the 1996 massacre, now only the outlaws have guns, and they use them every day. We are being flooded with illegal guns and the crooks are buying up big.

I feel for you guys over there, we have our own crap, but the U.S. seems to just cop it everyday, from somewhere.

My [ relatives ] live in New Haven. It could have been them.