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Anti-Gun Judge Defeated On the Cloture Motion

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05/19/2011 --

Anti-gun judge defeated.  On May 19, 2011, the U.S. Senate successfully filibustered the judicial nomination of Goodwin Liu.  Like many radical progressives, Liu believes that our rights are constantly evolving. The Second Amendment might have been necessary in the 1700s, he believes, but now those rights are no longer necessary.  In a law journal, Liu said that Supreme Court rulings that found the Brady Law’s unfunded mandate and the Gun-Free School Zones Act unconstitutional did “damage” to civil rights and “upset settled understandings of congressional power” -- when the truth is just the opposite.  The Senate failed to invoke cloture (or end the filibuster) on a 52-43 vote, as 60 votes were needed to push his nomination forward.  A vote against invoking cloture is considered a vote against Liu and is rated as a pro-gun vote.
Bill Number: PN3
US Senate Roll Call No. 74

112th Congress, 1st Session

Votes For: 52
Votes Against: 43
Voted Present: 1
Not Voting: 4
State-by-State Map Roll Call of Members State-by-State
