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Pro-Gun Bill Up for Vote in State of Ohio

Buckeye Firearms Association ALERT

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Please keep it up. Keep calling. 

We know we're emailing you like crazy about this. But the pressure is working and victory is CLOSE!

For weeks, we have been asking you to contact your Representatives asking for support for SB239 and SB247. Your calls have made a difference - first, when sessions were scheduled in the House, and now, because Rep. Danny Bubp has confirmed that he witnessed 50 signatures for the discharge petitions on these bills, and that the petitions have been filed!

That means we just have to get the House to vote on our bills. But time is short.

So we need to ask you to make one more round of phone calls to your state representative and to Speaker Armond Budish. Ask them to make sure these bills are brought to a vote.

Please call your State Representative and Speaker Armond Budish.

Any bills not passed before the end of session (effectively next week) will die and the entire process will have to be repeated starting next year.

If the House clerk certifies the signatures, the full House would vote, likely today, to extract the bills from committee. Passing the bill and sending it to the governor would require Budish to hold an additional voting session beyond Wednesday.

Governor Ted Strickland has promised to sign the bills if they reach his desk.

Here's what's at stake: Senate Bill 239 will allow citizens who hold a valid concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry a firearm in restaurants. Senate Bill 247 seeks to align Ohio law with federal statutes regarding the restoration of rights to Ohio firearms purchasers.

We're so close. We could make this happen and dramatically improve rights for gun owners all over Ohio.

But WE NEED YOU NOW more than ever! We're burning up the phone lines and we need you to do the same. The fate of these bills may be in your hands.

Here's the latest on the situation.

CLICK HERE for instructions on calling your Representative and Speaker Budish.

Buckeye Firearms Association