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Gun Owners Nationwide Must Rally To Defeat Harry Reid

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Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert

8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151

Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Monday, August 30, 2010

Thank you, everyone, for your hard work over the last few months. Because of your lobbying efforts, the NRA has decided NOT TO ENDORSE anti-gun Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in his contest against Sharron Angle.

As you may remember, GOA had alerted you last month to press reports indicating that the NRA might endorse Reid. Followers of the Wall Street Journal read on July 2 that:

The chief lobbyist for the National Rifle Association made an interesting admission to The Weekly Standard following a Wednesday report by that the powerful gun lobby might back Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in his general election battle against Republican Sharron Angle.
It's not that they might endorse Reid -- because they might, said chief lobbyist Chris Cox -- but that the issue doesn't appear to be as much about the records of Reid and Angle, but rather the specter of a Senate run by either Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin of Illinois or New York Sen. Chuck Schumer.

GOA asked you to contact the NRA and to urge them NOT TO ENDORSE Reid. Well, as of last week, the NRA officially announced that they would not endorse him!

This is extremely good news, because it makes it more likely that gun owners in Nevada will now be able to make a more informed decision in November. Now, if we can just encourage the NRA to take the next step and endorse the pro-gun Sharron Angle!

Over her eight years in the Nevada legislature, Angle stood 100% in favor of the Second Amendment, and was a steadfast leader in protecting the constitutional liberties of all Nevadans. Reid, on the other hand, has been a steadfast OPPONENT of the right to keep and bear arms, having earned an F rating from GOA.

To see Senator Harry Reid's anti-gun record, please see:

GOA has been exposing Reid's record for months, and has even set up a special section on our website to expose his record. During this time, we have seen Reid's numbers drop, while Angle has surged in the polls -- in fact, she overcame what was at one time a 20-point deficit during the primary to win the nomination in June.

Angle and Reid are now in a dead heat, as the Rasmussen polling firm shows the two candidates are tied at 47 percent.

ACTION: Please ask the NRA leadership to endorse Sharron Angle in the Nevada Senate race -- as she is an extremely pro-gun advocate. Encourage your family and friends to contact them as well.

You can call the NRA at (800) 392-VOTE (8683).

Aug. 30, 2010