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Proof that clinging to your guns is a good idea


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When Charl van Wyk first heeded the call to enter the ministry, he imagined preaching, teaching and saving souls. He never dreamed that one day he'd be called upon to save lives through a very different course of action.

Charles Van WykSouth Africa, July 25, 1993, – van Wyk visited St. James Church. The serenity of Sunday worship shattered when a gang of terrorists burst into the large church, blasting automatic weapons and tossing hand grenades.

They came to kill Christians and accomplished their grisly aims with icy effectiveness – until van Wyk fired back. In his book, "Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense," the leading firearm-and-self-defense advocate chronicles a gripping tale of surviving the infamous St. James Massacre – the most murderous terrorist attack on a church in history.

Eleven people were murdered and 53 more wounded that day. The casuality count would have undoubtedly been more tragic without the courageous actions of van Wyk.

Quietly seeking cover behind a pew, he pulled out his snub-nosed .38, took careful aim, and fired back at the attackers – something they never expected.

Van Wyk's counter-attack caused the terrorists to flee in disarray – with the armed pastor in pursuit.

This dramatic story is recounted in van Wyk's classic work, "Shooting Back,"published by WND Books. The personal experience stirred van Wyk to do something no one else has done – or done so well – provide a thorough biblical exploration of the issue of armed self-defense.

Video of van Wyk

You'll also want the video of his amazing story – now packaged with the book at a bargain price.

"One of the accomplishments about which I am most proud is the publishing of the 'Shooting Back' book in North America and the production of the 'Shooting Back' documentary for audiences worldwide," said Joseph Farah, founder of WND and WND Books. "Thousands of people have purchased these products, but I want to see them more widely read and viewed."

In "Shooting Back," van Wyk tackles difficult questions, using the light of scripture and insights from his own experience to make the case for self-defense

Also Available on DVD:
Shooting Back: (DVD)

The Right and Duty of Self-Defense

By WND Videos

For the first time on video, Charl van Wyk tells his story. The documentary also features interviews with Gun Owners of American President Larry Pratt and a final message by WND founder Joseph Farah, who produced this first presentation of WND Films.

Click Here to Order DVD Now

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Shooting Back

Shooting Back Bundle

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By WND Videos

Take advantage of one of our best deals of the year!

You'll save 28% when you buy the book and companion DVD together for just $24.95.

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The Shooting Back Bundle

'The Global War on Your Guns'

Inside the U.N. Plan to Destroy the Bill of Rights

By Wayne LaPierre

Shooting Back

The United Nations wants your guns!

They want all of them – now – and they've found a way to do it. In fact, the U.N. is so cocksure it can commandeer the Second Amendment that it chose the Fourth of July, 2006, to hold its global gun ban summit in New York City.

If you think there's no way an armed U.N. platoon of blue helmets can knock on your door to take your guns, this book just became your next must-read.

Gun On Bill of Rights

Wayne LaPierre's "The Global War on Your Guns" takes you inside the U.N. plan to destroy the Bill of Rights by attacking the one right that makes any right possible, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. LaPierre's well-researched chapters outline the threat itself, how the U.N. works, and the phalanx of international forces determined to eliminate the basic human right of self-preservation through elimination of all private firearm ownership.

In "The Global War on Your Guns" you will learn:

  • How a 1997 land mine treaty molded the U.N.'s new strategy
  • How the U.N. funnels your tax dollars to anti-gun member nations
  • Why the U.S. domestic gun-ban crowd is investing big in the U.N.
  • What U.N. disarmament has done to once – free peoples of the world
  • How extreme U.N. gun laws can be enforced on Americans – even without a new treaty! Anti-Gun Policy LaPierre exposes the labyrinth of international connections and cash flow that have moved this chilling threat from blueprint to binding treaty.

At center stage, LaPierre spotlights global billionaires like George Soros and a colossal coalition of domestic and worldwide gun-ban and animal-rights groups led by the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) and its zealous leader, Rebecca Peters.

In previous books, LaPierre dissected the cultural war smoldering within American borders. But now, as LaPierre writes, "This is America's cultural war gone global." Read how to win it now, in the pages of "The Global War on Your Guns."

Click Here to Order

"The Global War on Your Guns"

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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 4:46 AM
Subject: Proof that clinging to your guns is a good idea