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Arch gun-hater Senator Frank Lautenberg is back on the warpath against our gun rights.

Dudley Brown Executive Director National Association for Gun Rights

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Lautenberg, who has already introduced a number of anti-gun measures this year, has just unveiled his latest assault on our rights.

S.2820, the Gun Owner Tracking Act of 2009, would allow the Federal Bureau of Investigation to keep all National Instant Check System (NICS) data for every firearm purchased through a federally licensed firearms dealer for “up to ten years.”

What does this mean for gun owners? It means records of every firearm purchased through a dealer, along with the personal data of the purchaser, will be maintained by the federal government.

The serial number, make and model of every gun you purchase, as well as your personal contact information, will be available to the FBI and the notoriously anti-gun Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE).

Put simply, this legislation would lay the groundwork for a national gun registry. If a federal ban on certain types of firearms were enacted, federal law enforcement agencies would be able to use this gun owner tracking system to begin firearms confiscation.

Sound far-fetched? Remember that tyrants throughout history, from Hitler to Stalin to Mao, have used gun owner tracking schemes as a first step toward total citizen disarmament.

Of course, Senator Lautenberg has masked this legislative abomination in the guise of promoting “homeland security.” He claims this gun owner tracking database will help Big Brother Government protect us from terrorists. But as you know, the Obama Administration and the Department of Homeland Security already think gun owners — like you and me — are “domestic terrorists.

The Brady Registration Act of 1993 created the NICS system to verify the legality of firearms sales by licensed dealers. The law currently requires all information pertaining to the purchase of firearms, including the firearm serial number and the purchasers contact information be destroyed after 24 hours.

Let me be clear; the National Association for Gun Rights supports the repeal of the Brady Registration Act. Any attempt to further strengthen this unconstitutional intrusion in the lives and actions of law-abiding gun owners must not be tolerated.

Here’s what you can do to stop the Gun Owner Tacking Act:

  • Click here to contact your Senators and tell them to oppose S.2820, the Gun Owner Tracking Act of 2009.

  • Want to vent your frustration about this unconscionable measure? Click here to comment on the National Association for Gun Rights blog.

  • You can also help the National Association for Gun Rights fight S.2820 by making a generous contribution here.

To stay informed of all the latest developments on this, and other gun rights fights, visit the National Association for Gun Rights website

Stay Vigilant,

Dudley Brown

Executive Director

National Association for Gun Rights