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An Outstanding Week for Gun Rights

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Subject: An outstanding week for gun rights

To: "" <>

Date: Friday, October 2, 2009, 12:48 PM

Dear Friend of Freedom,
This has been a great week. Over the weekend our 24th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference was a huge success. More than 700 gun rights activists attended and heard over 50 speakers.
I hope that you got to see the positive news coverage the conference received nationally on CNN. If you missed it, please take a few minutes and go to this link on YouTube to see it for yourself.
On Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to hear our historic suit, McDonald v. Chicago, against the Chicago gun ban law. This case is most important because last year’s Supreme Court ruling overturning the Washington, D.C. gun ban only applied to the federal government and federal enclaves. This suit will incorporate Second Amendment protections against states and cities in all 50 states from banning firearms.
And if all this isn’t enough, yesterday, the Second Amendment Foundation along with the Montana Sport Shooting Association filed suit against Attorney General Eric Holder to stop the Obama Administration from violating the Montana Firearms Freedom Act. This Act says if a gun is made in Montana and stays in Montana then it is not the federal government’s business.
All of these important efforts are only made possible thanks to your help. So you deserve to share in the credit. On behalf of all of us at the Second Amendment Foundation, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
If you wish to see more about the record number of legal actions that we have filed to protect and expand our gun rights and/or make a donation to keep us on the cutting edge, just go to and join in our fight for freedom.
Sincerely yours,
Alan Gottlieb