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TURNER: OUTRAGE: Chicago Gun Ban UPHELD; Court says "Heller" ruling by Supreme Court not Applicable to States or Municipalities!

Hal Turner

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June 2 (TRN) -- American gun owners have been put in spectacular jeopardy by a federal court ruling that enables states or cities to ban all -- ALL -- firearms ownership! A Chicago ordinance banning handguns and automatic weapons within city limits was upheld by a U.S. Court of Appeals panel, which rejected a challenge by the National Rifle Association.

Right about now, you're probably thinking these Judges are liberal, activist Judges. Not true. One was appointed by Gerald Ford, the other two by Ronald Reagan.

The unanimous three-judge panel ruled today that a U.S. Supreme Court decision last year, in the case "District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S. Ct. 2783 (2008)" which recognized an individual right to bear arms under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment, doesn’t apply to states and municipalities.

The court said the Heller case dealt with laws passed under federal authority, not state authority. As such an individual's federal "right to keep and bear arms" not not extend to rights under state or local laws!

That's not all. The Decision by the court states that "some" of the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution (Commonly known as "The Bill of Rights") "do not apply to the states" while others, do!

Lastly, the Court ruling says that ideals that were important in the 1780's when the Constitution was adopted, should give way to more contemporary views.