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CNN: International Treaty Gives Foreign Troops Identity of American Gun Owners (CIFTA) (with video)

D. H. Williams

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Its been known by those who actually read the history of Barack Obama as a U.S. Senator he is strongly anti-Second Amendment.

Both President Obama and V. P. Biden are veraciously anti gun, that is in the hands of U.S. citizens. But they have no such compunctions against massively increasing the size of para military organizations inside the U. S. like Homeland Security spending tax payer funds to provide FBI, DPS, Border Patrol, local police and DHS agents with military weapons and hardware.

Yet the public is told not to worry President Obama is not going after your guns. This is yet another lie being told by The White House and their press corp which apparently includes MSNBC. I sometimes get confused, who is Obama’s press secretary. Is it Robert Gibbs or Keith Olbermann?

Hidden somewhere in the hysteria of a Swine Flu Pandemic that isn’t and the latest Hollywood scandal is CIFTA. The Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms.

This international treaty (There is no world government, close your eyes and repeat as many times as necessary.) will provide world governments with information on American gun owners.  These gun owners will be subject to prosecution by world governments for any “crimes” committed under this treaty. Such as reloading ammunition referred to in CIFTA as explosives manufacturing.

Video: CNN Lou Dobbs on CIFTA (International Gun Control)

