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Ed Arlt

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This is an excellent article by Chris Bollyn concerning the ongoing fraud and financial scandal involving Mr. Madoff.  This sordid business is just one part of the ongoing looting of the USA. (This is definitely something you will not hear on the evening news.)  What I found very interesting is the discussion of Mr. Feinberg, Chairman of the powerful Cerburus private equity investment fund.  Mr. Feinberg is well connnected to the neocons, AIPAC, all of the major zionist orgs, and that intelligence agency that starts with the letters Mo.   Cerburus, which is the name for the three headed dog that protects the gates of hell,  is a financial monster.  It owns massive chunks of U.S. corporation, including GMAC and Chrysler.  What makes me very nervous is that Mr. Feinberg, in the last two years, has been buying up American Firearms companies.   Those companies, as of now, which are owned directly or indirectly by cerburus  include Remington, Bushmaster, DPMS, Marlin, Cobb Mfg. and H&R.  The gun business has never been much of a money maker.  Why would Cerburus be interested?  This reminds me of the Clinton reign of terror, when an Iranian banking family bought Colt firearms, (at that time it was bankrupt,) and promptly discontinued all civilian sales.  It was obvious that this was done, not as a business decision but as a political decision.  The good news was, that Colt's idiotic action prompted an explosion of companies who went out and made "black rifles" which were better than the ones built by Colt.  Two of those, I think, were DPMS and Bushmaster.  Are we going to see a replay of this action under prez obama? Why do I smell a rat?          
Subject: The Powers Protecting Madoff