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Firearms Legislation in the 111th Congress

Dr. Bob and Lou Wynman

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From: Lou & Bob Wynman


Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 11:49 AM

Subject: Firearms Legislation In The 111th Congress

Firearms Legislation In The 111th Congress

HE.R. 17 (Bartlett): This bill would reaffirm the right to use firearms for self-defense and for defense of one's home and family.

H.R. 45 (Rush): This bill would require a license for handguns and semiautomatics, including those currently possessed. The applicant must be thumbprinted and sign a certification that, effectively, the firearm will not be kept in a place where it would be available for the defense of the gun owner's family. The applicant must also make available ALL of his psychiatric records, pass an exam, and pay a fee of up to $25. The license may be renewed after five years and may be revoked. Private sales would be outlawed, and reports to the attorney general of all transactions would be required, even when, as the bill allows, the AG determines that a state licensing system is sufficiently draconian to substitute for the federal license. With virtually no exceptions, ALL firearms transactions (involving semiautos, handguns, long guns, etc.) would be subject to a Brady check. In addition, the bill would make it unlawful in nearly all cases to keep any loaded firearm for self-defense. A variety of "crimesby omission" (such as failure to report certain things) would be created. Criminal penalties of up to ten years and almost unlimited regulatory and inspection authority would be established.

H.R. 197 (Stearns): This bill would establish national standards for concealed carry reciprocity, but would not protect residents of pro-gun states like Vermont and Alaska which do not require paper permits.

H.R. 442 (Rehberg): This bill would provide amnesty for a veteran who acquired a "souvenir" (such as a machine gun) while serving overseas, so long as it is registered during a 90-day grace period.



However, rather than focusing on gun bills, we really need a total Ieological Solution ... which is now available.

State is always coercive. By its nature, its function is to lie to and steal from its subjects. For the sake of ourselves and our kids & grandkids, we MUST replace it with the "Natural Republic", the "Right Society".

There ARE solutions other than a bloody revolution. Are you familiar with the work of Andrew Galambos?

Please check If you have friends who can still think (highly unusual) help them listen to and consider implementing the scientific information in the Volitional Science course. It is phenomenal ... probably our last chance for freedom in this lifetime.

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lou & dr. bob