Maharishi's Alert To The World Press: Destructive Governments Will Soon Fall From Power
By Global Country Press Release
New peace governments to administer every nation through Total Natural Law
'A new age of peace and prosperity is dawning for all mankind'
Destructive governments will soon fall from power and new peace governments will quietly emerge to create a new age of harmony, happiness, and prosperity for all mankind through the knowledge of Total Natural Law, which administers the universe with perfect order.
This was the powerful message delivered to the world press by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi during his recent global news conference.
Maharishi said this unprecedented global transformation will take place within the coming months. 'Very soon—within a few months—the world press will report on the automatic fall of corrupt governments and the rise of new governments in the world. These new governments will quietly fulfil their parental role for the people and raise their nations to invincibility through the knowledge and programmes of Total Natural Law,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi said this peaceful transformation is coming from India—the land of the Veda, Total Natural Law—where large numbers of Vedic Pandits are performing Vedic Yagyas and Grahashanti to enliven Total Natural Law and create coherent world consciousness—the basis of invincibility for every nation and permanent world peace.
'These Vedic Pandits are going to radiate peace, prosperity, and happiness to the whole world,' Maharishi said. 'And it won't take long because whenever a lamp is lit, the light spreads—and we are gathering more and more lighted lamps. Then, just as darkness disappears with the onset of light, the intensified light of coherence will spread throughout the whole world to quickly—and permanently—put an end to all negativity, problems, and suffering for all mankind.'
Maharishi offers the United Nations a proven approach to promote global unity
Enliven the Unified Field to resolve all differences 'grievances will never be resolved through talks'
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi this week offered the United Nations and all other governmental organizations a practical, proven approach to peacefully resolve differences and promote harmony in the family of nations. Instead of attempting to resolve grievances by talking about them, Maharishi advised members of these governing bodies to create coherent collective consciousness—the basis of global unity and permanent world peace.
'Sit quietly together in the hall, close your eyes, and enliven within your own self-referral consciousness the field of unity—the Constitution of the Universe—which administers the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order. From there you will create coherent collective consciousness to resolve all differences and create a real United Nations,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi spoke in response to a press question about the United Nations, which marked its 60th anniversary last week—and which is mired in a series of scandals.
The UN is failing because of its limited approach to promoting peace
Despite their noble aspirations, Maharishi said the United Nations and other international governing organizations have failed to transform the world into 'a beautiful mosaic of differences' because of their limited approach to promoting peace. 'It is a fool's paradise to think you can resolve differences through talks,' Maharishi said. 'It is not by talking from the intellectual level that human weaknesses can be eliminated. It is only by enlivening the field of Being at the level of Transcendental Consciousness within everyone that you can create harmonious collective consciousness and prevent all problems.'
Maharishi acknowledged that it may be difficult for government leaders to comprehend his words because of their stressful lifestyle, which creates 'functional holes' in the brain. 'These leaders have been educated in schools and universities that do not develop the full potential of the brain; they are eating poisonous, chemically grown foods; they are taking medicines with harmful side effects that create new diseases; and they are living and working in improperly laid out buildings that promote disorderly thinking and create problems and misfortune for the occupants,' Maharishi said.
Global Country of World Peace to offer Vedic knowledge to the whole population
To raise life above the reach of problems, Maharishi said his Global Country of World Peace is now establishing in every country large groups of peace-creating experts. Through their practice of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying, these experts are enlivening the Unified Field and creating coherent collective consciousness—the basis of prevention-oriented, problem-free administration in every nation.
Maharishi said that the Global Country of World Peace is also establishing in every city Vedic schools, colleges, and universities to provide the whole population with the complete knowledge of Total Natural Law—Vedic knowledge—to raise every individual to enlightenment and every nation to invincibility. This includes complete knowledge of:
• Vedic education to promote the total brain functioning of every student so that all thought, speech, and action are supported by the evolutionary power of Total Natural Law for a mistake-free, problem-free life in fulfilment
• Vedic health care to prevent suffering and disease for all people
• Vedic organic agriculture to grow healthy food without chemical pesticides and fertilizers to promote perfect health for everyone
• Vedic architecture to build fortune-creating TM buildings that are properly laid out in harmony with Natural Law to promote health, happiness, and prosperity for the whole population
• Vedic technologies for prevention, including Jyotish, Yagyas, and Grahashanti, to detect in advance—and effectively neutralize—any negative influence that is due to come to the nation.
Parliaments of World Peace to fulfil the aspirations of the wise
Maharishi concluded by announcing that Parliaments of World Peace will soon be held in every city in every country. 'The Parliaments of World Peace will fulfil the aspirations of the wise throughout the ages for an organization on earth that functions as effectively as the Constitution of the Universe,' Maharishi said. 'Members of the Parliament of World Peace in each city will sit quietly together in a hall, close their eyes, and experience within their own self-referral consciousness the unseen field of Total Natural Law. From there, they will enliven the light of God. From there, the light of God will spread throughout the world. In this way, all the conflicts and suffering of today's world will soon disappear, just as darkness disappears with the onset of light.'