United Nations Drafts New Gun Treaty
LaPierre references a document circulated by the International Action Network on Small Arms entitled “Ownership” which spells out what the organization has determined to be “minimal” goals toward this end. Among other things they recommended – with LaPierre’s translation in parentheses:
• Prohibit civilian ownership of certain weapons (read: handguns and semi-automatics).
• Prevent the build-up of private arsenals (read: ban gun collecting).
• License all legal users. Register all small arms. Implement safe storage requirements (read: U.N.-imposed site inspections of your home with power to take your guns).
• Limit the carrying of guns (read: the end of Right to Carry).
• Restrict ammunition sales to license holders only.
Since it is unlikely that the United Nations will be dissuaded from pursuing these changes anytime soon, LaPierre sets out the job at hand. He concludes, “For us the task is daunting, and the fight is enormous. The world gun-ban crowd is deadly serious. As NRA members, this is our fight. And it is a do-or-die battle for freedom.”-DS