Humanity Vs The New World Order-D-Day, 2003
By Peter Farley
Of course it's the 'stuff' and the programmed desire for 'the stuff'-not just keeping up with the Jones but actually getting one bigger than the Jones-that is the major problem blocking people from seeing what is really going on.
Planet Earth and its people are dying from consumption-not the tubercular kind so prevalent a century ago, but rather the Energizer-bunny Matrix-battery kind of consumption; the kind that resembles a swarm of Argentinian fire-ants devouring everything in their path. It's the kind of consumption that through planned-obsolescence demands that we take everything from the planet and give nothing back to it except pollution, toxic waste, toxic thinking, and plastic garbage bags full of our leftovers.
As the U.S. government seeks new monies to finance its own continuing program of weapons of mass destruction-a new nuclear bomb (pit) factory in New Mexico, and the construction of six new nuclear power plants, two things come to my mind: 1) the nuclear conflagration between two once heavily populated planets, Mars and a planet once known as Maldek (now the asteroid belt) and 2) the words of Albert Einstein who tirelessly worked to educate people about the possible dangers of just these kinds of weapons of mass destruction because, as he said, "if you cannot, there lies before you the risk of Universal death."
Like any big bully on the block, The United States (of the New Atlantis) seeks to own and control all of what it so vehemently condemns other countries having-the means to destroy planet Earth and all living things on it a hundred times over.
President Bush has used the falsely cultivated fears arising from the events of Sept. 11, 2001, to attain a blank check similar to the one given to President Johnson on August 7, 1964, when the House voted unanimously and the Senate 88-2 in favor of the infamous Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, providing the president with authority to respond to perceived North Vietnamese aggression.
Just as the Bush administration failed to make a convincing connection between Saddam Hussein and the events of Sept. 11, President Johnson was misleading in his presentation of events in the Gulf of Tonkin. History repeats itself over and over again, there only ever being one scenario that Mankind refuses to acknowledge-we live on an alien-controlled planet where Mankind is but a slave to its lords and masters.
If David Icke's new book, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster, shows us nothing else besides the fact that the hijacked planes of Sept. 11 actually flew over or very near the far more potentially devastating targets of the nuclear power plants at Indian Point on their way to the WTC and the Pentagon, it does show us how little regard the New World Order has for basic human life, for those who are seen as nothing more than cannon fodder. While hiding behind the false banners of patriotism and nationalism, the governments and leadership of the New World Order have as their only allegiance the fulfillment of the 10,000 year old Great or Master Plan to re-establish the New Atlantis (also read 'New Jerusalem') here in the United States.
Human life, its hopes and its aspirations, are of meaningless value in this attempt by the NWO to raise the dark power structure of the old Atlantean Phoenix from the ashes of its own destruction. This is the message behind the symbolic and not-so-symbolic quest for the Holy Grail to which these dark knights of world corporate control should and would sacrifice their all, as well as everybody else's.
Susan Well's commentary of June 21, 2003, (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution) points out one of the major flaws in Bush's (and his handler's) plan to deal with so-called 'terrorist plots' against the United States, other than those in which they already have a hand.
"ATLANTA-Is the United States willing to spend what it will take to reasonably shield the country from another terrorist attack?
"Surprisingly President Bush's answer to that question seems to be 'no.' Nowhere is that more clear than in his reluctance to put money into safeguarding the country's 351 seaports.
"Adm. Thomas H. Collins, commandant of the Coast Guard, told Congress last week that his maritime security forces need another $70 million and 150 full-time employees by this fall just to assess the safety plans of major U.S. ports, much less additionally protect them. There is no money in the budget for that." (Meanwhile, the cost of the six new proposed atomic power plants is estimated at between $12-20 billion.)
". . . Last year, Congress passed the Maritime Transportation Security Act that requires extensive security improvements at ports. But no money appeared in either the 2002 or the 2003 budget to fund the mandates." Investing in aviation security and more nuclear power and weapons of mass destruction what can the New World Order and the Bush administration have in mind? Perhaps when one learns that one of the major television networks is reviving the classic old reptilian-take-over-the-planet-scenario miniseries 'V', and creating new episodes for it, might make one wonder what the establishment knows is in store for planet Earth in 2004 and beyond.
Peter Farley's website is http://4truthseekers.com/treeoflife