The Thirteen Articles Concerning Military Art
From: Lynn Schmaltz
Of the 2,500,000 inhabitants in 1787 America, the Roman Catholic population consisted of no more that 16,000 in Maryland and 7,000 in Pennsylvania, 1,500 in New York, and 200 in Virginia. Once the Constitution was in place, a steady influx of European immigrants transformed Roman Catholicism from America’s smallest to largest religious denomination. By 1850 the highest powers at Tome could view the United States as a viable tributary, if not another papal state.
This result did not just happen. F. Tupper Saussy submits that it was deigned and commanded by the American republic’s least known founding father, Lorenzo Ricci, a Tuscan aristocrat by birth, s stoical philosopher by reputation, and a Jesuit father by profession. He was Superior General of the Society of Jesus during the formative years of the American Revolution, from 1758 until 1775. Saussy also credits him with writing the most celebrated treatise on war ever published, a work entitled The Thirteen Articles Concerning Military Art.
The reputed author of this work is quasi-historical Chinese general believed to have lived in the sixth century BC named Sun-Tzu. He was unknown to Western languages until Joseph-Marie Amiot, astronomer to the Emperor of China, brought forth a french edition of the Thirteen Articles in 1772. Amiot was a Jesuit priest under General Ricci. Saussy bases his inference that Ricci is the author of Amiot’s Sun-Tzu on a remark from today’s premier Jesuit spokesman, Malachi Martin, retired professor at the Pontifical Institute in Rome, to the effect that a book written by a Jesuit, due to the obedience factor, can be presumed ‘in essence’ to be the work of his Superior General. Amiot’s Sun-Tzu, then can be presumed to have been “written” by Lorenzo Ricci.
The Thirteen Articles was ignored by Americans until the nineteen -seventies, when corporate executives discovered that their oriental counterparts were doing business according to Sun-tzuan strategies. As U.S. Corporations increased their presence in the Pacific Rim, sun-Tzu became a major survival tool. Since the middle eighties, more than fifty editions of the Articles have been published in the US, mostly under the Art of War title. These editions represent Sun-Tzu well enough, but none of them are derived from the 1772 Amiot translation into French (which itself was based on a Tartar-Manchurian version of the older Chinese manuscripts). Amiot’s Sun-Tzu appears never to have been published in English, although a 1996 commission by Le Belle Eglise produced a fine manuscript English translation by Hermine F. Garcia. Only the Amiot edition reflects in virtually the Jesuit General’s own words how he formed the United States of America by dividing the British Empire against itself, while at the same time dividing the rest of Europe against Britain, against even the Superior General’s own ‘army’ of Jesuit priests. Amiot begins by noting how odd it is that the benign Chinese morality should spawn a warrior of Sun-Tzu’s magnitude:
“If we are to judge the Chinese by their morals...and in general by everything one can currently observe of them, we would instantly conclude that this must be the most pacifist Nation in the world, far from having the brilliant qualities necessary for Warriors. Yet, surprisingly, this very Nation, which has subsisted for nearly four thousand years in approximately the same state we see it in today, has always, or almost always, triumphed over its enemies; and when it had the misfortune of being conquered, it gave its laws to the conquerors themselves.”
Saussy says it cannot be denied that Rome was served by critical events in America and England during the years of Ricci’s reign in ways that flow from the strategies, laws, and maxims set for the Thirteen Articles.
“Without giving battle, without spilling a drop of [the enemy’s] blood, without even drawing a sword, the clever general succeeds in capturing cities. Without setting foot in a foreign Kingdom, he finds the means to conquer them. He acts in such a way that those who are inferior to him can never guess his intentions. He has them change location, even taking them to rather difficult places where they must work and suffer. When a clever General goes into action, the enemy is already defeated. When he fights, he alone must do more than his entire army, not through the strength of his arm, but through his prudence, his manner of commanding, and above all his ruses.”
Lorenzo Ricci’s most compelling ruse was to disestablish the Society of Jesus, a campaign that mimicked the collapse of the Knights Templar four centuries earlier. With astonishing precision, the Disestablishment ran concurrently with the escalation of hostilities between the American colonies and the British Crown. He saw his own visible army of Jesuits, mute and defenseless, systematically assaulted by the Europeans powers and eventually suppressed “for all eternity” by a 1773 papal brief. Once the stage was set and the action scripted, it saw the General slip into deeper cover to let the Protestant powers exhaust themselves in wars that within a single generation resulted in a glorious Roman presence where once England had reined. Ricci’s ability to direct an international covert operation was stated and defined by the momentous publication of The Thirteen Articles in what was then the language of international diplomacy. Ricci commanded unlimited financial resources and unlimited obedience of an unlimited supply of well-trained personnel and enjoyed unlimited opportunity to do anything possible and some things deemed impossible. Saussy says that to deny that Lorenzo Ricci orchestrated American Independence may be to ignore his talent and demean his office.
The articles:
*I demand the art of making enemies move as one wishes. Those who possess that admirable art know how to arrange their men & the army they command in such a way that they make the enemy come toward them whenever they judge it appropriate. They know how to make generous gifts when appropriate, even to those they wish to conquer. They give to the enemy & the enemy receives; they abandon things to him & he comes to take them. They are ready for anything, they take advantage of any circumstance. They do not fully trust those whom they employ but choose others to be their overseers. They do not count on their own strength alone but use other means which they believe can be useful to them. They consider the men against whom they must fight to be stones or pieces of wood which they have been asked to roll down a slope. You, therefore, who are commanding an army must act in such a way that the enemy is in your hands like a round stone that you have caused to roll down a mountain a thousand paces high. Thus it will be recognized that you have power & authority, and that you are truly worthy of the position you occupy.
Sun-Tzu advised a ruse known in the lingo of modern covert professionals as “blown cover as cover:”
*There will be times when you will lower yourself, and others when you pretend to be afraid. Sometimes you will feign weakness so that your enemies, opening the door to presumption & pride, come to attack you unwisely...Give out false information about the state [you] are in...[The enemy], believing [it] to be true, will act in consequence towards his Generals & all the Officers presently at his service.
*Your army, accustomed to not knowing your plans, will be equally unaware of the peril which threatens it. A good General takes advantage of everything. But he can only do that because he has operated in the greatest secrecy, because he knows how to remain cool-headed & because he governs with uprightness. At the same time, however, his men are constantly misled by what they see & hear. He manages for his troops never to know what they must donor what orders they must receive... If his own people are unaware of his plans, how can the enemy discover them?
Of the process of “making the enemy move as one wishes,” Sun-Tzu wrote:
“The great science is to make him desire everything you wish him to do & to provide him with all the means to help you in this without his realizing it.”
And, in manipulating the Protestants against the Catholics behind the scenes, Ricci succeeded in incidents as below:
Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, Dudleian Lecturer at Harvard inveighed against “Popish Idolatry” in a famous (and arguably prophetic) sermon by that title, saying,
“Let the bishops get their foot in the stirrup, and their beast, the laity, will prance and flounce about to no purpose. Bishops will prove to be the Trojan horse by which Popery will subjugate North America.”
The specter of an American bishop gave the colonial patriots an almost inexhaustible fund of propaganda to employ against any form of perceived tyranny at home and abroad. It served, in Jonathan Boucher’s words, “to keep the public mind in a state of ferment and effervescence; to make the people jealous and suspicious of all measures not brought forward by [popularly approved leaders]; and above all, to train and habituate the people to opposition.” The fact that Americans were trained and habituated to oppose the British Crown and the Church of England not by Roman Catholics but by Protestant churchmen, is to Saussy, proof of the Sun-Tzuan ingenuity of Lorenzo Ricci. Sun Tzu said:
“The General will know how to shape at will, not only the army he is commanding but also that of his enemies.”
In the 1960's and ‘70's, Central American Jesuits designed posters to motivate campesinos to overthrow corrupt politicians. The posters for this liberation theology depicted an angry Jesus Christ in the image of Che Guevara, swathed in fatigues, draped in bullet-belts, holding a submachine gun at the ready, a Rambo Jesus, a Jesus whose Sacred Heart called for social action that included killing.
Febronianism was a philosophy containing the formula for administering Protestant America, decentralizing the Roman Catholic Church into independent national churches modeled on the Church of England. Because they are ruled directly by kings and princes, these churches are more correctly called “States.” The pope may be successor to Peter, Prince of the Apostles, but under Febroniaqnism he has no legal jurisdiction. He is merely a principle of unity, a spiritual unifier obligated to abide by the decrees of general councils under the leadership of bishops and their properly enlightened laymen. Crucial to Febronianism’s application is “thorough popular education.” The context presumes an enlightenment wherein in the public is indoctrinated with the Jesuit ratio studiorum’s full humanist diet. It cannot operate where Scripture reigns supreme. Once the milieu’s understanding, its mentality, has been shaped by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus (the black pope), it will respond with unquestioning obedience to the will of the man whose fundamental duty is the expansion of Roman Catholicism and the extirpation of Protestantism. Thus will unfold a perfect secular political state within the Roman Catholic Church, an autocracy ruled by a monarch invisible to all but the few who cannot be deceived. Febronianism was the secret formula for returning the non-catholic world to the bosom of the Church. To mask this fact, the Vatican dramatically condemned the book on Febronian Philosophy. Bishop von Hontheim, was Febronius, and banned it from his own classes at the university .
“Justinius Febronius” was a pseudonym belonging to Bishop Nikolaus von Hontheim, Chancellor of the University of Trier and the book of philosophy appeared in 1763, On the State of the Church and the Legitimate Power of the Roman Pontiff.” The first title page of the first edition copy of the book says the following:
On the State of the Church and the Legitimate Power of the Roman Pontiff: A Singular Book On the Properly-Ordered Reunification with Dissidents in the Christian Religion”
Here is a description of the momentous social change that the American Revolution would indeed produce–neither monarchial overthrow, nor democracy, nor republicanism, but a “properly ordered reunification with dissidents in the Christian religion,” that is, the reunification of Roman Catholics with Protestants under a secularized religion whose values–long on humanism, short on Scripture–are taught through public schools following the Jesuit ration studiorum. “Reunification” means that Protestantism has been reabsorbed into Rome. This, in the eyes of the black papacy, to the Sun-tzuan mind, and to common sense, equals the practical extirpation of Protestantism.
Bishop von Hontheim lived in Trier, and he was Arch-bishop of Mainz. His jurisdiction extended to the Mainz principality of Hesse-Hanover. He was the spiritual counterpart of the rule of Hesse-Hanover, Frederick II (not the King of Prussia, Frederick the Great, who was also Frederick II). Frederick II of Hesse was married to the aunt of the King of England, which made him George III’s uncle. Born a Protestant, Frederick subscribed to the Rosicrucian style of Freemasonry. Although Jesuits converted him to Roman Catholicism, he remained a Rosicrucian secretly active.
Frederick of Hesse was one of Europe’s richest rulers. Much of his business was handled by his son, Prince William, also a Rosicrucian Freemason. William’s specialty was facilitating war. He drafted able-bodied male Hessians, outfitted and trained them for battle =, and then sold them to his English cousin George, who used them to fight alongside the redcoats. Every time a Hessian was killed, William received a reparation in the form of extra compensation. As casualties mounted, so did his profits, which he loaned out a interest. (Lynn’s note: see the correlation to today’s US soldier in Iraq? Whose profits are mounting and who receives extra compensation.?)
In September 1769, Prince William appointed Meyer Amschel Rothschild of nearby Frankfurt to transact some of his financial affairs in the capacity of Crown Agent. Rothschilds, an important Jewish family, according to Encyclopedia Judaica, bear the title “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.” The Vatican Treasury holds the imperial wealth of Rome. Imperial wealth grows in proportion to its victories in war–as the Jesuit empowerment Regimini militantis ecclesia implies, the Church-at-War is more necessary than the Church-at-Peace. In the illustrated Armour of Imperial Rome, Caesarean soldiers protected themselves in battle with shields painted red. The soldiery is the State’s most valuable resource and the red shield is identified with the very life of the Church. The name Rothschild in German means “red shield.” The appointment of Rothschild gave the black papacy absolute financial privacy and secrecy. Who would ever search a family of orthodox Jews for the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church? As the sons of Rothschild grew into the family business, the firm took on the title Meyer Amschel Rothschild and Sohne, which gives the notariqon MARS. Mars is the Roman God of War, whose heavenly manifestation is “the red planet”
In 1772, the British banking system underwent a severe credit reduction. This consequently threw the American merchants into an extreme financial distress that did not end until the Revolutionary war itself produced a business boom in 1776. Rothschild, with his access to Hess-Hanover’s vast wealth, and conceivably that of the Jesuits as well, had power to affect a credit reduction in British banking. {Lynn’s note: Aren’t we know in America in Dec. 2004, facing a credit reduction in banking? Is this a scenario that has been played out over and over?) Rothschild’s profiting from the Revolutionary War is well known. Did a Jesuit professor convey to the power you Jewish banker Lorenzo Ricci’s need for a financial disturbance in England and America? At this same time Amiot’s Sun-Tzu was published.
We open The Thirteen Articles and hear the gentle voice of the man in charge of the papacy’s most important business, the man who decided everything, who was in the process of gaining advantage from dangerous and critical circumstances, whose intention were unguessable, whose decisions were shaping both his own army and the armies of his English-speaking Protestant enemies, the man who through cleverness and ruse had already secured the obedience of his enemies in London and Boston, Paris and Philadelphia, the man who would win the most important war in modern times without giving battle or drawing a sword, who uniquely knew the day, the hour, the moment of battle-less, sword-less combat. Lorenzo Ricci’s voice whispers to us across the centuries between the lines of Sun-Tzu:
A State’s most important business is its army. It is the General who decides everything. If he is clever, he will gain an advantage from even the most dangerous & critical circumstances. He will know how to shape at will, not only the army he is commanding but also that of his enemies.
Try to be victorious without giving battle. Without giving battle, without spilling a drop of blood, without even drawing a sword, the clever General succeeds in capturing cities. Without setting foot in a foreign Kingdom, he finds the means to conquer them. He acts in such a way that those who are inferior to him can never guess his intentions. He has them change location, even taking them to rather difficult places where they must work & suffer.
Do not disdain the use of artifice. Begin by learning everything there is to know about your enemies. Know exactly what relationships they have, their reciprocal liaisons & interests. Do not spare large amounts of money. Have spies everywhere, be informed of everything.
Overlook nothing to corrupt what is best on the enemy’s side: offers, presents, caresses, let nothing be omitted. Maintain secret liaisons with those amongst the enemy who are the most depraved. Use them for your own ends, along with other depraved individuals. Cross through their government, sowing dissension amongst their Chiefs. Ceaselessly give them false alarms & bad advice. Engage the Governors of their Provinces in your interests. That is approximately what you must do, if you wish to fool them by cleverness & ruse.
When a clever general goes into action, the enemy is already defeated. When he fights, he alone must do more than his entire army, not through the strength of his arm but through his prudence, his manner of commanding, & above all his ruses. The great secret of solving all problems consists of the art of knowing how to create division when necessary.
What is far must be brought near, advantage must be drawn even from losses, and slowness must be turned into diligence. You must be near when the enemy believes you to be far, have a real advantage when the enemy believes you have sustained some losses, be occupied by useful work when he believes you are slumped in rest, and use all sorts of diligence when he only perceives you to be moving slowly. Thus, by throwing him off track, you will lull him to sleep in order to attack him when he expects it the least & without him having the time to prepare for it.
As it is essential for you to be completely familiar with the place where you must light, it is no less important for you to know the day, the hour, even the moment of combat. That is a calculation which you must not neglect.
You, therefore, who are at the head of an army must overlook nothing to render yourself worthy of the position you hold. Throw your gaze upon the measurements of quantities & the measurements of dimensions. Remember the rules of calculus. Consider the effects of balance. Examine what victory really is. Think about all of this deeply & you will have everything you need in order to never be defeated by your enemies.
They who possess the true art of governing troops well are those who have know & who know how to make their power formidable, who have acquired unlimited authority, who are not brought low by any event no matter how vexing, who do nothing with precipitation, who conduct themselves as calmly when they are surprised as they do when their actions have been planned long in advance, and who always act in everything they do with the promptness which is in fact the fruit of cleverness combined with great experience.
The strength of this sort of warrior is like that of those great bows which can only be stretched with the help of some machine. Their authority has the effect of those terrible weapons which are shot from bows which are thus stretched. Everything succumbs to their blows, everything is laid low...
If you do exactly as I have indicated, success will accompany all your steps. Everywhere you will be a conqueror, you will spare the lives of your soldiers, you will affirm your country in its former possessions and procure new ones, you will augment the splendor & glory of the State, and the Prince as well as his subjects will be indebted to you for the sweet tranquility in which they will henceforth live their lives. What objects can be more worthy of your attention & all your efforts?
During the month of April in 1773, the British East India Company presented the King’s Friends a scheme which , if measured by the way it would anger American merchants and point them inexorably toward rebellion, could only have sprung from the Sun-tzuan intellect of Lorenzo Ricci–“I demand the art of making enemies move as one wishes.” That scheme, a plan to glut New England with cheap tea, was presented by the east India Company , a major subsidizer of the Jesuit mission to Beijing. The Jesuits, in turn, interceded with oriental monarchs to secure lucrative commercial favors for the company, including monopolies on tea, spices, salt-peter (for explosives), silks, and the world’s opium trade. In 1773, the East India Company was governed by Freemasons, whose Grand Master since 1772, was the ninth Lord Petre(his mastery would continue until 1777). The Petre family was highly esteemed by the Society of Jesus. Is was the Petres who, back in the sixteenth century, bankrolled the original Jesuit missions to England.
Stored in the East India Company’s dockside British warehouses were seventeen million pounds of surplus tea. This tea could not be released for sale until a duty of one shilling per pound was paid to the Crown. If the King would exempt the company from paying the schilling duty, the company would sell the tea through special consignees to Americans at prices lower than the colonists were paying for either the dutied English tea or the smuggled Dutch tea. Everyone would win. The American tea drinkers, still suffering from the depressive effects of the British banking crisis of July 1772, would win. East India Company would win. And with a windfall duty of not one but three shillings a pound, the Crown would win. The only loser would be the colonial tea merchants, who had been enjoying nice profits on both dutied and smuggled tea. The “Tea Act” went into effect in May, 1773, and the tea merchants reacted with fury.
On July 21, 1773, Clement XIV, abolished the Jesuits “for all eternity,” in the brief entitled Dominius ac Redemptor noster, which is usually translated “God and Our Redeemer.” Redemptor also means “revenue” agent. The real effect in the long term was a dramatic increase in papal revenues from a Febronian American, so perhaps “God and Our Revenue Agent” was a more appropriate translation, if not the intended one. The secularization of the Society of Jesus meant that thousands of Jesuits now rose to secular prominence throughout the Western world, in the arts, sciences, and government. Some became Freemasons, some joined editors of the Italian Encyclopedia.” Another became Director of Optics of the French navy. Another became a music critic and published a book in Paris entitled The Revolution in the Italiana Musical theater.” Professor Joseph-Guillotin of Bordeaux College became the physician who gave France the beheading machine names after him. Adam Weishaupt attracted fiercer elements of European Rosicrucian Freemasonry into the Illuminati in Bavaria whose cover was eventually blown in order to convince public opinion that evil societies were being diligently unmasked when in fact they were not, and this was another instance of “blown cover as cover.” Countless other members of the great clandestine Jesuit intelligence agency now secularized crossed the Atlantic to help guide Americans through becoming the first nation expressly designed to be a Febronian, democratic-republican Church-state. The Brief of Disestablishment was served on Lorenzo Ricci in mid-August, and the General, Ricci, was removed to the English College where he remained for five weeks. At that time there was an American Jesuit professor named John Mattingly, the lone American Jesuit in Rome, who fifteen years later was invited to become the first president of Georgetown University, which he declined.
What might Lorenzo Ricci be likely to discuss for five weeks (a) under a British roof, (b) in the custody of a young American Jesuit, (c) at a time when American merchants were incensed at being cheated out of their tea profits by a new law (d) sponsored by British Freemasons, (e) whose Grand Mast happened to be Ricci’s secret servant? While Ricci was residing at the English College, Parliament authorized the East India Company to ship half a million pounds of tea to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston, consigned to a group of specially chosen merchants. Could Ricci and Mattingly have been formulating plans for a demonstration intended to climax the agitations , such as the Boston Tea Party?
After this time General Ricci was taken from the English College to Castel Sant’ Angelo, which had a secret tunnel to the papal apartments in the Vatican. For many months after his “imprisonment,” Lorenzo Ricci was “questioned by the Inquisition,” according to traditional Church history. But the Inquisition had been administered by Jesuits since 1542 and no useful information came out of Lorenzo Ricci. Ricci supposedly under oath signed “The Society of Jesus that is dissolved offered no reason or pretext whatsoever for its dissolution.” This is Ricci’s last official statement. The Jesuits had been dissolved and Ricci imprisoned for no official reason whatsoever; ergo, their dissolution for eternity was null and void. The Society of Jesus was officially restored in 1814. Since the Disestablishment of the Jesuits was a nullity from the beginning the Jesuits were still technically alive as the world’s largest clandestine milice du Christ. Thousand of Jesuits were still bound legally to their oath of obedience to the black papacy.
Lorenzo Ricci supposedly “died” in his cell at Castel Sant’ Angelo on November 24, 1775. What if his “death” was no more physical than the supposed disestablishment of his army of Jesuits? Was it really Ricci’s body lying in state at the cathedral during the elaborate funeral mass that Pius VI arranged for him? Was it really Lorenzo Ricci who was entombed beneath the Church of the Gesu a week later, in the vault reserved for Generals of the Society? Or was it a wax effigy sculptured by artisan upon a corpse of Ricci’s dimensions? Lorenzo Ricci would have covered his tracks in sublimely Sun-tzuan fashion, so we can never be sure. It is consistent with his authority, resources, motives, and modus operandi, as well as the verifiable outcome of American Independence, that General Ricci would feign death at precisely this opportunity and sail to America in order to conduct his orchestrations. Reflect on his counsel in The Thirteen Articles of Sun-Tzu, particularly:
The great art of a General is to arrange for the enemy never to know the place where he will have to fight & to carefully withhold from him knowledge of which posts he must guard. If he manages that & can also hide the slightest of his movements, then he is not only a clever General, he is an extraordinary man, a prodigy. Without being seen, he sees. He hears without being heard.
Go to places where the enemy would never suspect that you intended to go...Do not think of gathering the fruits of your victory until his entire defeat has put you in a position where you can yourself reconnoiter surely, tranquilly & with leisure.
If General Ricci did sail to America rather than lie in state, he would arrive not as a conquering hero but as a gentle, harmless, nameless, scholarly old man who spent most of his time reading. And during the course of his stay, inevitably, someone would observe his subtle power over great patriots and write about it. Just such a person was observed and written about.
During the fall of 1775, Congress authorized a committee made up of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Lynch, Benjamin Harrison, and George Washington to consider and recommend a design for the first united colonial flag. The so-called Flag Committee traveled to Cambridge, Massachusetts. There, according to the only known account of its proceedings, given in Robert Allen Campbell’s book Our Flag (Chicago, 1890), the committee mysteriously shared its authority with a total stranger. This stranger was an elderly European transient known only as “the Professor.” The Professor occupied a guest room in a private Cambridge house whose hostess, “one of his earnest and intelligent disciples,” would remember in her diary (cited in Campbell’s book) as a “quiet and very interesting member of the family.”
What the hostess records about the Professor matches remarkable what is known about the character of Lorenzo Ricci. For example, the Professor is perceived to be “more than three0score and ten” years of age; Lorenzo Ricci was seventy-two. The Professor spoke many languages fluently, displayed an encyclopedic knowledge of history, and was “seemingly at home upon any and every topic coming up in conversation.” We might expect the same of Lorenzo Ricci, a distinguished professor of literature, philosophy, and theology at the Roman College and a well-established confidant of Europe’s leading intellectuals, philosophers, and mystics. The Professor kept “locked away in a large, old fashioned cubically shaped, iron bound, heavy oaken chest, a number of very rare old books and ancient manuscripts,” which he spent much of his time “deciphering, translating or rewriting.” We might expect as much of Lorenzo Ricci, the voracious scholar and publisher of oriental masterworks.
On December 13, 1775, the committeemen arrived in Cambridge for a midday feast. The Professor greeted them as we might expect Lorenzo Ricci would, “with an ease, grace and dignity [evidencing] his superior ability, experience, and attainments, and...with a courtly bow that left no room to doubt that he had habitually associated with those in acknowledged authority.” When Benjamin Franklin was presented to him, the hostess watched the patriarchal doctor lock hands with the patriarchal professor,” and as fingers closed upon fingers, their eyes also met, and there was an instantaneous, a very apparent and mutually gratified recognition.” What had the woman witnessed? The Ultimate Summit? Unknown Superior revealing himself to American’s Grandest Freemason?
The table talk soon focused on subjects that had occupied Lorenzo Ricci’s attention since the beginning of his reign as general. The hostess witnessed them discussing “the relation of the Colonies to each other and to the Mother Country.” She saw them discuss “the related question of one’s duty to the Colony, as related to his allegiance to great Britain.” She saw the Professor take “a noticeable, though not at all an obtrusive, part in the conversation, himself possessed of a wonderful fund of varied and accurate information, concerning the Colonies, an understanding of their progress, condition and needs, and a familiarity with the principles and operation of British and European statesmanship.” Wouldn’t we expect as much from the Superior General of the world’ best intelligence agency..the Jesuits.
The flag presented by this committee was actually the flag of the East India Company. To hide the fact that American would be fighting under the private flag of an international mercantile corporation controlled by Jesuits, a plausible cover was provided by the Professor to explain to the “masses:”
“The Union Flag of the Mother Country is retained as the union [upper left corner] of our new flag to announce that the Colonies are loyal to the just and legitimate sovereignty of the British Government. The thirteen stripes will at once be understood to represent the thirteen Colonies; their equal width will type the equal rank, rights and responsibilities of the Colonies. The union of the stripes in the field of our flag will announce the unity of interests and the cooperative union of efforts, which the Colonies recognize and put forth in their common cause. The white stripes will signify that we consider our demands just and reasonable; and we will seek to secure our rights through peaceable, intelligent and statesmanlike means–if hey prove at all possible; and the red stripes at the top and bottom of our flag will declare that first and last–and always–we have the determination, the enthusiasm, and the power to use force–whenever we deem force necessary. The alternation of the red and white stripes will suggest that our reasons for all demands will be intelligent and forcible, and that our force in securing our rights will be just and reasonable.”
The Professor reminded the committee that “the masses of the people, and a large majority of the leaders of public opinion, desire a removal of grievances, and a rectification of wrongs, through a fuller recognition of their rights as British Subjects; and few of them desire and very few of them expect–at this time–any complete severance of their present political and dependent relations with the English Government.” That severance would occur “before the sun in its next summer’s strength”–indicating that the Professor foreknew as Lorenzo Ricci would have foreknown, a July declaration of independence. At that time the East India Company flag could be “easily modified” by replacing the Union Jack with stars against a blue background,” to make it announce and represent the new and independent nation.”
On January 2, 1776, at a formal ceremony attended by the Flag Committee, George Washington personally hoisted the est India Company flag “upon a towering and specially raised pine tree liberty pole,” unfurling it to the breeze and displaying it for the fist time “to his army, the citizens of the vicinity, and the British forces in Boston.” The British officers at Charleston Heights perceived the event:
“to mean that General Washington had thus announced his surrender to them. At once they saluted, “The Thirteen Stripes” with thirteen hearty cheers. They immediately followed this spontaneous outburst of British Enthusiasm with the grander and more dignified official salute of thirteen guns, the thirteen-gun salute being the highest compliment in gunpowder, the military ‘God speed you’.”
By so colorfully equivocating both his enemies, the Professor had made himself God of Confusion. The redcoats were toasting the good health of the rebels, who in turn were fighting for the East India Company. One of the few places in the world where such ludicrous phenomena are considered standard and routine is in the pages of Lorenzo Ricci’s Thirteen Articles:
“The General decides everything; he knows how to shape, at will, not only the army he is commanding but also that of his enemies.”
When it came time to sign the Declaration of Independence, how could Lorenzo Ricci not be present? How could he who had labored more than seventeen years for this and not participate? There is a story usually told in conjunction with the Professor and the Flag Committee, involving another mysterious stranger, one who suddenly appeared in the legislative chamber of the old State House in Philadelphia on the night of July fourth. The document lacked signatures. Some were having second thoughts about the risks. Masonic historian Manly P. Hall writes:
It was a grave moment and not a few of those present feared that their lives would be the forfeit for their audacity. In the midst of the debate a fierce voice rang out. The debaters stopped and turned to look upon the stranger. Who was this man who had suddenly appeared in their midst and transfixed them with his oratory? They had never seen him before, none knew where he had entered, but his tall form and pale face filled them with awe. His voice ringing with a holy zeal, the stranger stirred them to their very souls. His closing words rang through the building, “God has given America to be free!” As the stranger sank into a chair exhausted, a wild enthusiasm burst forth. Name after name was placed upon the parchment: the Declaration of Independence was signed. But where was the man who had precipitated the accomplishment of this immortal task–who had lifted for a moment the veil from the eyes of the assemblage and revealed to them a part at least of the great purpose for which the new nation was conceived? He had disappeared, nor was he ever seen again or his identity established.
Be warned. This is only a story, unsupported by primary source material. John Adams, the most talkative of the framers, said not a word about it. But we know from Adams’ own pen that some kind of gag order had been imposed upon the signers–“if I could write with freedom,” he had written to his wife Abigail. Could the stranger whose voice rant “with a holy zeal” have been Lorenzo Ricci? Could the “wild enthusiasm” with which the framers signed the declaration have resulted not from Ricci’s inspiring pep-talk but upon his disclosure of documents taken from the oaken chest, documents easy for the Vicar of Christ in his capacity as Freemasonry’s Unknown Superior to obtain, guaranteeing that the international monetary network would indemnify the signers for their action?
Saussy’s mind, informed by an ever-increasing knowledge of how the greatest clandestine warriors fight, has no problem whatsoever believing this to be the case. It is consistent with the formation of the union of thirteen Protestant colonies, ordained to be ruled from a federal city named “Rome,” a city situated within the See of Baltimore, under the protection of the Patroness of the Society of Jesus.
One of the more intriguing clues that the United States of America was established under Regimini militantis ecclesiae is the new republic’s Great Seal. The Seal is legal proof that America’s true founding fathers were priests of Rome. There is a universal legal tradition that requires acts of a governmental authority to be marked by a seal–otherwise the acts are not authentic. Typically, a seal discloses the character of the authority it represents by means of an image which can be, and usually is, amplified by some sentence, phrase, or word. The first seal designed to authenticate all governmental actions under the Declaration of Independence, was presented to Congress in August 1776. Created by an official committee consisting of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, the seal illustrates an event based on Exodus 14:19-27. It is a cameo of Moses leading the Israelites through parted waters. Framing the picture are the words, “REBELLION TO TYRANTS IS OBEDIENCE TO GOD.” Saussy sees this seal, despite the biblical glow of the committee that designed it, as the profession of an intensely Roman Catholic faith. For there is a great disparity between biblical faith and Roman Catholic faith. Biblical faith regards the Bible alone, sola scriptural, apart from any other source to be a sufficient and infallible rule of life. Roman Catholic faith, while agreeing that the Bible is God-breathed, considers Scripture neither infallible nor sufficient in itself as a rule of life, unless so interpreted by the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church, and then so pronounced by the infallible pope.
The caption “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God” is found nowhere in Scripture and the Bible never condones rebellion, not even rebellion to those tyrants under whom God’s own people, the Israelites, were obliged to suffer continuously. When Scripture mentions rebellion it is almost always referring to the disobedience of the Israelites toward their God. The seventeenth chapter of Proverbs teaches that “the evil man seeks rebellion,” and I Samuel 15:23 admonishes that “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” Sacred tradition authorizes anything in the service of Rome – Cum finis est licitus, etiam media sunt licita, the end justifies the means. Scripture’s account of the Exodus shows the departure from Egypt not to be a rebellion at all. When called by to represent Israel before Pharaoh, Moses pled himself incapable (Exodus 3:11), uninformed (3:13), unauthorized (4:I), ineloquent (4:10), unadapted (4:13), unproven (5:23), and uncredentialed (6:12)–hardly the audacious mind-set of a great rebel leader. Even with a biblically correct motto the seal fails the biblical standard. For it is after all a seal, authority represented by a graven image. The use of seals and images is one of Roman Catholicism’s proudest sacred traditions. Scripture prohibits it.
Congress refused to adopt the 1776 seal. There is no record of any debate, only the notation that the seal was ordered to lay “on the table.” Five years later in the summer of 1781, a fleet of twenty-five French war vessels arrived with more than twenty thousand soldiers accompanied by ninety Roman Catholic chaplains and unknown amount of secularized Jesuits. A month later, the British army surrendered to General Washington at Yorktown. In June 1782 in readying to sign a treaty the United States had to have a seal to make what they would do with the treaty valid. The Great Seal adopted is ‘written’ in cabbalah, that style of allegorical communication composed of seemingly unrelated symbols, numerals and phrases. The practical advantage of cabalism is: “a single word suffices to illumine connections which the multitude cannot grasp. Such works are available to everyone, but their significance addresses itself to an elite. Above and beyond the masses, sender and receiver understand each other.”
The Great Seal is written in the language of cabbalah and it appears to be a Gnostic Constitution. In terms well known to initiates and God Almighty, it sets forth the origin, nature, purpose, and plan of American government. On the front or obverse side of the Seal we find an eagle clutching an olive branch and thirteen arrows, with a banner in his beak inscribed with the motto “E PLURIBUS UNUM.” The eagle was identified with the Babylonian sky-god Annu. When Annu entered sacred Roman iconography as Jupiter, the eagle was still his mascot. Jupiter’s eagle has signified Rome’s imperial power–“imperial” meaning the right of the Caesars to make laws and enforce them. In many churches, Roman Catholic and Protestant, the Bible from which lessons are publicly read rests on a hardwood lectern carved in the shape of an eagle. In the pages of this same bible God forbids carved images of eagles. What then, does the eagle signify, if not a power indifferent to Scripture?
The brilliant cloud hovering over the eagle’s head in the Great Seal is the aegis which is a goatskin. Scripture equates the goat with world power and separation from God. When Jupiter was a baby he was nursed by a she-goat named Amaltheia. (The priestly artists often portrayed the adult Jupiter as a satyr, having a man’s body with the horns, hair, and legs of a goat.) When Amaltheia died, Jupiter made the aegis out of her hide. (Lynn’s note: what was the symbolism of George W. Bush reading a story about a goat to children during 911 with the book held upside down. What was the message really broadcasting? Satan is now turning your world upside down?)
The aegis of the great Seal glorifies thirteen five-pointed stars, or pentagrams. Each pentagram represent an original State. In gnostic Symbology, the pentagram is identified with Jupiter’s wife, Venus. Over an eight-year period, the plant Venus travels a unique celestial pathway that exactly describes a pentagram. Found in the Dictionary of Symbols is:
As the orbit of Venus is closer to the sun than the earth’s position, she is never seen more than 48 degrees from the sun. During a period of 247 days, Venus is visible as the Evening star that is within 48 degrees or less of the sun after the sun has set. Then Venus comes too close to the sun for us to see her. She remains invisible for 14 days, then reappears as the Morning star (or Eastern star) immediately before the sun rises in the east. For 245 days we can see Venus each morning at dawn before she again disappears into the sun’s light by getting too close to the sun. Venus is now invisible for 78 days. On the 79th evening, she appears again in the west immediately after the setting sun. Now she is the Evening star once more.
If one knows the ecliptic [that is, the great circle of the celestial sphere that is the apparent path of the sun among the stars] and can pinpoint the present position of the planets in relation to the constellations of fixed stars in the zodiac, one can mark the exact place in the 360 degrees of the zodiac where the Morning star first appears shortly before sunrise after a period of invisibility. If we do this, wait for the Morning star to appear again 584 days later [the synodic orbital time of Venus] and mark its position in the zodiac, and then repeat this process until we have five positions of Venus as the Morning star, we will find that exactly eight years plus one day have passed. If we then draw a line from the first point marked to the second point marked, then to the third, and so on, we end up with a pentagram.
Only Venus possesses the five-pointed star sign. Not one of the innumerable stars above us can recreate this by its own orbit.
The goddess, Venus, was absorbed by the missionary adaptation into the roman Catholic sacred tradition as the Virgin Mary. The adapters even ascribed to Mary the Venusian epithet “Queen of Heaven,” a title never ascribed to Mary in the Bible. “Queen of Heaven” in Scripture names only one personage and that is Ishtar, the Babylonian Venus. Most faithful Catholics insulated from Scriptures, have not know that Jeremiah 44 explains how the Israelites violated their covenant with God by praising the Queen of Heaven, and in turn lost their dignity, property, freedom, everything to the Babylonians.
The phrase “E PLURIBUS UNUM,” which appears on American coins as well, is popularly understood to signify the melting of many into one nation, “of many, one.” The gnostic understanding of the phrase refers to the ancient Bacchic Rites, which were “a forerunner to Freemasonry.” The Bacchic Rites are built upon the story that in a time before the creation of mankind, the twelve Titans cause Bacchus, Jupiter’s beautiful son, to become fascinated by his own image in a mirror. Enthralled by himself, Bacchus is seized by the Titans who kill him........his heart is rescued by his sister, Minerva, who places it before Jupiter in Heaven. From Heaven, Jupiter hurls thunderbolts at his son’s murderers and reduces the Titans to ashes. The rain reduces the ashes mingling with four elements, to slime. From this evil slime Jupiter forms mankind. The Bacchic idea is released by evil slime’s sexual energy, especially when facilitated by alcoholic drink. When death and sex have rescued the rational soul from the four slimy corners of the earth, a transfigured, eternal Bacchus is resurrected as the flaming Sun.
With “E PLURIBUS UNUM” flowing from his beak, Jupiter’s eagle preaches the bacchic Gospel. It is a gospel of salvation that antedates that of Jesus Christ by many, many centuries. The Bacchic Gospel was preached and played out in the pagan cults. A Holy Virgin would ritually rescue the Son of God’s Sacred heart from the slime of humanity imprisoning the Son’s soul. Each cult initiate supposedly gained increasing amounts of knowledge from mind-altering substances and sexual ecstasy administered for money, or course, by the temple priests and priestesses. The initiate looked forward to being released from his slimy humanity by ever-increasing knowledge. He yearned to be reunited ultimately with the Sacred Heart in Heaven, resurrected and transfigured for all eternity.
This salvational plan, or some variation of it, can be found at the core of all the secret or mystery religions–cults of empire. It persists from the earliest Babylonian prototype right on down through the Great Seal. It has succeeded not because it calls for the repentance from sin, but because it makes sin an asset in a process of self-deification. The Bacchic Gospel serves an economy of sin management, in which sins are forgiven upon the payment of money or performance of some act of contrition valuable to society. It is about people control. Unlike the Christian Gospel, which conditions forgiveness of sins upon repentance–“ the bacchic Gospel forgives upon the rendering of appropriate sacrifices to the priest of the appropriate deity. The congeniality of this gospel to secular government and Roman Catholicism speaks for itself.
The reverse side of the Great Seal contains four elements. First the motto “ANNUIT COEPTIS’; second, a thirteen-coursed topless pyramid with MDCCLXXVI (1776) engraved in the foundation; third, a disembodied eye forming the pyramid’s capstone, and fourth, the motto “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM’ (New World Order). These elements define exactly the “divine providence” upon whose protection the signers of the Declaration of Independence firmly relied.
“ANNUIT COEPTIS” is interpreted by the U.S. Department of State to mean “God hath favored this undertaking. “God hath favored this undertaking,” was spoken by Julius Ascanius in the Ninth Book of Virgil’s Aeneid. The scene is a battleground. The Trojans are outnumbered and fearful. Young Julius Ascanius takes a position in front of his shrinking countrymen. He looks up at an evil giant name Remulus, King of the Rutulus. Remulus mocks the Trojans for sending a boy to fight him. While the giant quakes with derisive laughter, Julius slips an arrow onto his bowstring and cries to the heavens:
Almighty Jupiter, favor this rebellious undertaking (AUDACIBUS ADNUE COEPTIS)! Each year I shall bring to thy temple gifs in my own hands, and place a white bullock a thy altar! Jupiter hisses an arrow from the sky that strikes Remulus in the head. The Trojans’ raise a cheer and laugh aloud; their hearts rise towards the stars.” Apollo, from his throne of cloud, shouts the gnostic credo, “By striving so, men reach the stars, dear son of gods and sire of gods to come!”
This leaves the identity of the god who favored the undertaking of the United States. It was a pagan deity, the god of Julius Ascanius, and not the God of the Bible. Surely if Congress had wanted to show that the new nation was underwritten by God of the Bible, it could have referred to the boy-downs-giant story told in the Old Testament. Who doesn’t’ know David and Goliath? Establishing a national government directly on biblical scripture was not the intent of the founding fathers, according to Saussy. Far more useful to them and acceptable to the souls they knew would be populating America in good time, were the vanities of Roman religion. These souls required the sacred icons of burgeoning humanity and uninhibited sexual energy, legends that inspired hot-blooded heroism and patriotism. Consent to images of the character presumed obedience to the omnipotent intelligence hovering inscrutably above the ESTABLISHMENT of ancient, stone heavy, well-ordered pyramidic hierarchy.
America’s Great Seal, with its obsessive fidelity to Caesarean Rome, cannot represent a nation more moral than the source of its scripture. The icons and mysterious cabalistic language of this Seal introduce a preposterous Babylonian gospel. Taken seriously (and shouldn’t a government’s solemn statements be taken seriously?), the Seal’s gospel teaches that America’s high spiritual purpose is to assist in the resurrection of the Son of God (Bacchus, the Son) from the evil slime of human flesh. It tells us that the Holy Virgin has rescued the Son’s Sacred heart from the slime–E PLURIBUS UNUM, “one from many”--and has placed it high in the vault of Heaven, as her five-pointed celestial path describes for all to see....It promises that America will rise toward the pure light of sinlessness and Godliness, into eternal life as part of the solar body of the Son-the Sun-of God. It signifies that this cosmic resurrective process is administered by a pyramidic hierarchy conceived in ancient Babylon, exported to Asia Minor, and bequeathed to Rome. At the top of the hierarchy sits an unseen chieftain, an unknown superior, a God of the Seal who possesses universal intelligence and authority over every soul who subscribes to the Seal.
The God of the Seal wields the fasces to sweep the earth clean of the lst traces of Original Sin. He is assisted by a new priestly order, a “new world order” charged with destroying all individual identity deemed inconsistent with the resurrection to godliness. Uncooperative governments and dissident citizens alike are cut down by arts of war so frugal that the liquidation increases popular faith in the fasces. Because they function in a Golden Era of Saturn, the chief and his hierarchy can be depended upon to mimic Saturn’s strictness, cruelty, licentiousness, even cannibalism as the situation requires. To the charge that such is impossible in America, one comparison should be sufficient. No sooner was Augustus Caesar deified than he sacrificially murdered three hundred senators in Perugia to atone for the assassination of his adoptive father Julius. Likewise, no sooner was an American president inaugurated than he, as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, authorized the sacrificial murder of nearly a hundred misguided Christians near Waco, Texas for what? A growing popular disenchantment with federal government?
What the Seal of the United State of America represents to anyone who takes it seriously, is a Ministry of Sin. A speech by Jesuit political scientist Michael Novak, published in the January 28, 1989, issue of America, the weekly magazine of American Jesuits, sums it up eloquently enough:
The framers wanted to build a “novus ordo” that would secure “liberty and justice for all”....The underlying principle of this new order is the fact of human sin. To build a republic designed for sinners, then is the indispensable task...There is no use building a social system for saints. There are too few of the. And those there are impossible to live with!...Any effective social system must therefore be designed for the only majority there is: sinners.
In August, 1861, Abraham Lincoln confided the following to a former law client of his, a Roman Catholic priest named Charles Chiniquy, who published the president’s word in his own autobiography, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome:
“I feel more and more every day,” [stated the President} “that it is not against the Americans of the south, alone, I am fighting. It is more against the Pope of Rome, his Jesuits and their slaves. Very few Southern leaders are not under the influence of the Jesuits, through their wives, family relations, and their friends.
“Several members of the family of Jeff Davis belong to the Church of Rome. Even the Protestant ministers are under the influence of the Jesuits without suspecting it. To keep her ascendency in the North, as she does in the South, Rome is doing here what she has done in Mexico, and in all the South American Republics; she is paralyzing, by civil war, the arms of the soldiers of liberty. She divides our nation in order to weaken, subdue and rule it...
“Neither Jeff Davis nor any one of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits that, under the mask of democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholics, even the arms of France, were at their disposal if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops, and monks of Rome in the United States when the people realize that they are in great part responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character.”
Constantino Brumidi, through 1865, along with seventy French and Italian assistants painted the Capitol dome of America’s legislative center with a glorious, panoramic visualization from Book VI of Virgil’s Aeneid where Aeneas’ blind father, Anchises, explains NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM:
Here is Caesar, and all the line of Julius, all who shall one day pass under the dome of the great sky. This is the man, this one, of whom so often you have heard the promise, Caesar Augustus, son of the deified, who shall bring once again an Age of Gold to Latium, the land where Saturn reigned in early times. He will extend his power beyond the Garamants [Africans] and Indians, over far territories north and south of the zodiacal stars, the solar way...
The Capitol dome like many other testimonies presented by Saussy in Rulers of Evil--the supremacy of the Church Militant, the publication of Sun-tzuan strategies in a Western language, the names, the numbers, the dates and the locus and layout of Washington D.C., the architecture, the statuary, the monuments, the emblems, the frescoes, the ceremonies–they come not from the Tricksters victims, but from the Trickster himself. It’s as if the point of the trick is to warn the victim beforehand, in words and pictures, that he or she is about to be tricked. A con is much sweeter when the mark actually consents to the con. That way, the Trickster’s conscience is clear.
Saussy says we live in the New World Order, just as people under Augustus caesar did. It is his theory that it was God who established the New World Order. One persistent myth, based on a crucial even accounted for in the Bible, explained to people under Babylonian rulership the divine origin of their government. This was the myth of Marduk:
The myth of Marduk begins with Annu, “the head deity of Babylonian mythology, looking down upon earth in dismay. The land is in chaos, overrun by flood waters and monstrous serpents. Annu senses that bringing order for such chaos is a job for Marduk, the first-born son of the moon goddess EA. So Annu summons Marduk and asks him to organize the earth. Marduk agrees to the task, but “only on the condition that he be made first among the gods and that his word shall have the force of the decree of Annu.” Annu accepts Marduk’s terms and vests him with “the powers and insignia of kingship–and Marduk’s work was declared to have the authority of Annu.”Armed with divine power, Marduk goes to earth and separates dry land from sea. He polices the monsters, and any evildoer foolish enough to oppose him receives the wrath of God.
Marduk wears the Annu signature like a cop with his badge. It makes him a god. In fact, the ordination-of-power iconography of ancient Babylonian nations was never without it. It is in the flag of Great Britain, it is displayed on the decor of government buildings , especially courtrooms. It forms the motif for much of the decorative architecture of the U.S. Supreme Court Building, interior and exterior. The pavement surrounding the Obelisk of Caligula in St. Peter’s Piazza, where the multitudes stand to receive papal edicts and blessings, is inlaid with a gigantic Annu signature.
The sensitive Bible-reader according to Saussy, immediately sees in the myth of Marduk a missionary adaptation of the biblical account of Cain. The two protagonists are remarkably similar. Both Cain and Marduk were firstborn sons of mothers bearing almost the same name: Marduk, son of Ea; Cain, son of Eve. Both were appointed to rule over evil: Marduk because of his heroism, Cain because of his own wickedness. So that they might move effectively among evildoers, both were given protective seals by the God of Heaven. In Marduk’s case the evildoers were chaotic beings ruining Annu’s earth. Cain’s evildoers were persons who might slay him because he had become a homeless trespasser. Saussy suggests that Cain did not murder Abel, but sacrificed him by hanging him upon a cross and that would explain why there was no evidence that Cain suffered any guilt. If Abel was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world” then mankind owes a strange debt to Cain. No Cain, no death of Abel. No death of Abel, no World. No world, no incarnation of God as only begotten Son. No son of God, no true death and resurrection. No true death and resurrection, no hope of mankind for eternal intimacy with God.
Cain demanded protection from possible assailants in his exile which God gave him by ‘setting a mark’ upon him which made Cain seven times more powerful than any mortal competitor. The mark served as the very “powers and insignia of kingship” Annua had granted Marduk. It empowered Cain to rule all human beings likely to challenge his protective mark, beings unafraid of God’s name, beings who shared Cain’s environs “out from the presence of the Lord.”
Armed with his mark, Cain began the rulership of evil. The took a wife and sired and son, then built a city and named it after his son, “Enoch.” Centuries later Enoch disappeared under the silt of Noah’s flood. In the 1840's archaeologists began excavating in present-day Iraq. Near Al Khidr they discovered the deepest stratum beneath which there was nothing but bedrock, called Unuk. From deciphering clay tablets from the site, Professor Sayce of Queens College, Oxford, in 1887, issued the opinion that Unuk was Enoch and pointed out that one of Cain’s mythological names was Marduk. Unuk’s dominant temple bore the title “house of Annu,” Unuk was a metropolis of enormous complexity with transparent glass and a bronze culture which did not reflect development from a much older civilization. There was no previous history found. Did Cain have extraordinary powers because he inherited from his parents the knowledge of good and evil which the Trickster had encourage them to obtain at the price of eternal life by eating from the forbidden fruit?
Cain’s empire was vast and he was a brilliant, well-organized military emperor–the prototypical Caesar. His empire was founded on slavery–the inevitable result of one man’s retributive power exceeding all othe