PHOTOS: Americans Are Freaking Out Over What Was Just Spotted On U.S. Soil
Crispin White
With the coming election many in America are concerned for the future of our country. One major trend that has been coming out is a series of threats by liberals and other anti-Trump protestors and even governments for what will happen if Trump is elected president. Well as the election nears there have been more and more strange sightings of things a little more than out of the ordinary. Now people are coming up with their own conclusions for what this may mean. Could this latest sighting be the early manifestations of these anti-Trump threats?
Recent concern has begun to spread like wildfire across the country after what was just spotted in the parking lot in a rural Maryland industrial complex. Pictures of the unnerving activity taking place at a Kellogg's cereal factory, that just was forced to let go a large number of employees, were posted to the Hoplite Armor Facebook page.
The photos instantly went viral and Facebook users everywhere have come up with their own theories to what this might mean.
The pictures, taken in Hagerstown, Maryland, depict a small fleet of the iconic white UN armored personnel carriers (APCs). These vehicles weren't alone, along with the APCs were several government-style black SUVs.
The sight of these alone is more than cause for concern, but once people saw what else was on the property many broke into full on panic at the though of what these vehicles true purpose may be.