United Natons Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon's Statements
Beijing, China, 3 November 2014 - Secretary-General's video message to the 11th International Finance Forum - 31 October - 2 November
Ban Ki-moon: “ A new set of sustainable development goals will require a strong global financing architecture……..The United Nations stands ready to boost our cooperation with multilateral financial institutions and governments to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth.”
Reform of world financial order needs strategic thinking
BEIJING; - A new global financial order is essential in the rapidly changing global economy, and strategic dialogues and cooperation are needed to reform the current system, international financial experts said at a forum in Beijing.
finance experts call for a new global financial order at beijing conference - national finance examiner | examiner.com
With over $1.4 quadrillion in derivatives suffocating the global financial system, and nations being forced to devalue their currencies just to survive a regional and global trade war, financiers are recognizing that the current global financial system is broken and is creating a scenario of two choices. Either major reforms are needed to halt the potential of a worldwide collapse, or the entire system must be reset, with several major economic powers losing rights and authorities they once held control over, and allow the new emerging markets in the East to be equal or dominant players in a new system.