The UN Is Planning to Migrate Americans From California
Dave Hodges
The United States Drought Monitor map is showing that 58% of the state is currently experiencing an “exceptional drought” stage. This represents a 22% increase from just a week ago.
Droughts can prove devastating to a community as widespread crop and pasture losses and shortages of water in reservoirs, streams and wells accompany drought conditions.
Exceptional drought, the most extreme category, indicates the most extreme conditions of drought and is considered to be a precursor to
Lynne Wilson, who serves on the climate change delegation in the United Nations, “Civilizations in the past have had to migrate out of areas of drought. We may have to migrate people out of California.”
It seems certain that at this rate of increasing drought, millions of Americans, presently living in California, better begin packing their collective bags because it could soon be moving day.
At this point, people are undoubtedly wondering if there isn’t something that can be done to save California from this massive drought?
This Air Force Has the Solution to California’s Drought
Since its first publication “Owning the Weather 2025“, and “The Weather As a Force Multiplier”, both published in 1996, the Air Force has made it clear that it has the capability to control the weather to the degree that their documents admit that they can weaponize both weather and earthquakes (see Exhibit 2 in the Appendix). Before you wrinkle your nose up and fall back on the phrase that so many have been conditioned by, “You must be a conspiracy theorist”, I have published the Air Force’s annotated bibliography on this subject of weather modification which is listed below in the Appendix (see Exhibit 1).
The Air Force actually maintains a separate entity in its branch known as the “Air Force Weather Agency”. Its mission is weather modification.