It’s On! Russia, China Walk Out Of UN Security Council Meeting On Syria (Videos)
Susan Duclos
Investment Watch quotes multiple sources, via Twitter, and ITAR TASS, and Interfax Newswire are reporting, that Russia and China just walked out of the UN Security Council meeting on Syria.
The Russian and Chinese officials walked out of the U.N. Security Council meeting in New York on Wednesday, August 28, after U.S. Permanent Representative Samantha Power had called for an immediate action in Syria.
The permanent members of the U.N. Security Council – Russia, Britain, China, the U.S. and France – had been invited to the closed meeting. An hour later the Russian and Chinese diplomats left the meeting and headed to the Security Council’s main conference room where debates on Haiti was taking place. Western countries may, until the end of the day, submit to the Security Council a draft resolution that will give the green light to an armed operation in Syria.
Russia and China, which have the right of veto in the Security Council, have spoken up strongly against the use of force.
However Western countries have made it clear that they might take measures without waiting for the U.N. Security Council’s decision as they did in 1999 in Kosovo. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said this would be a gross violation of international law.
This comes after Russia, China and Iran have stepped up with dire warnings of consequences against the U.S. if they decide to attack Syria without approval from the UN Security Council, which both Russia and China are guaranteed to veto.
[Update] A contradicting account, via a YouTube video detail, says “The Russian representative went out when the meeting ended. That was not a demarche. It is just that some of the delegations did not leave for a long time,” the diplomatic source was quoted as saying.”