This is a short three minute video is a 'real life' example of how they plan and maneuver their communist takeover of our property one rural town at a time:'s_page.htm Featured is South Carolina Representative Joe Neal who explains how Richland country adopted a 'comprehensive plan' of 'sustainable development' concepts. They really do think we are just sheeple who won't fight back.

Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
Agenda 21 United Nations - Short Version (9:32) MUST SEE!This video presentation reveals exactly what's in Agenda 21and how it will ultimately take away your private property.
Here's a copy of the map from the videos. Note: You will BE ALLOWED TO LIVE ONLY IN THE BLACK AREAS:
As an example of what the 'Agenda 21' video describes called Stack'em & Pac'em . . . here's New York city's Mayor Bloomberg's idea for 'affordable housing' in New York City (NYC):
PLaNYC 2030 is a scheme by Bloomberg, which was devised in 2007, to “prepare the city for one million more residents” to create housing in line with Agenda 21 policies in conjunction with “over 25 City agencies to work toward the vision of a greener, greater New York.”
The initiative includes transformation of hundreds of acres of land into “new parkland” and micro-sized units that are built adjacent to public transit systems. These plans will force New Yorkers out of their cars and into highly-dense areas where living space is severely limited in an effort to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions 13% below 2005 levels.”
Would you like to live in one of those units to make more room for the 'parkland' once you've been ousted from your private property? And where did Mayor Bloomberg come up with such an insane idea? Perhaps the answer is that Bloomberg's younger sister, Marjorie Tiven, has been Commissioner of the New York City Commission for the United Nations, Consular Corps and Protocol, since February 2002.
The reason NYC will need more housing units is because the Agenda 21 program is working to roust you off your private property in the suburbs, towns, rural areas and farmlands. The only place you will be allow to live is in a CITY.
February 26, 2011
The November elections marked a sea change in the political landscape at every level of government nationwide. Right now, all eyes are focused on the Wisconsin standoff [1] between Governor Scott Walker and the public employee unions. But under the radar, completely overlooked by the mass media, is the unprecedented move recently taken by newly-elected Carroll County [2], Maryland Commissioners Richard Rothschild [3], Robin Frazier [4], Haven Shoemaker [5], Dave Roush [6] and Doug Howard, [7] who abolished the County’s Office of Sustainability. They then voted unanimously to drop out of the UN’s International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI [8]). They are the first governmental organization to do so. [9]
For those unfamiliar with the sustainable development agenda, this might not seem like much, but it is huge. If you have been following my recent series [10] on the subject, you will know that local Sustainability offices, under the auspices of the ICLEI’s Local Governments for Sustainability [11], are the tiny, visible tip of the monstrous Agenda 21 [12] sustainable development iceberg, the ultimate goal of which is to transform American society from the bottom up into a socialist ward of UN global governance. As of today, there are approximately 600 local governments [13] in the US who have signed on to this Trojan Horse. . .
[1] Wisconsin standoff:
[2] Carroll County:
[3] Richard Rothschild:
[4] Robin Frazier:
[5] Haven Shoemaker:
[6] Dave Roush:
[7] Doug Howard,:
[8] ICLEI:
[9] Image:
[11] Local Governments for Sustainability:
[12] Agenda 21:
[13] approximately 600 local governments:
Minus one.
"Alabama Law 2012-598 states in part: The State of Alabama and all political subdivision[s] may not adopt or implement policy recommendations that deliberately or inadvertently infringe or restrict private property rights without due process, as may be required by policy recommendations originating in or traceable to "Agenda 21", adopted by the United Nation[s] in 1992 at its Conference on Environment and Development or any other international law or ancillary plan of action that contravenes the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of the State of Alabama.On August 7th of 2012 the Baldwin County Commission convened a public hearing regarding the Count's Comprehensive Plan. The hearing convened at 9:18 am and ended at 1:09pm. At the end of the public hearing the Commission voted to abolish the County's Comprehensive Plan.The event was video tape[d]. The following one hour and eighteen minutes are highlights from this momentous occasion. [The video was dedicated] In memory of Henry Lamb."
America's Choice - Liberty or Sustainable Development (1 of 3) (1:20:57)
America's Choice - Liberty or Sustainable Development (2 of 3) (2:09:20)
America's Choice - Liberty or Sustainable Development (3 of 3) (1:55:10)
Five experts on environmental science and politics expose what has been called the greatest weapon of mass destruction of our time. It is the elimination of personal freedom under the banner of sustainable development. Michael Shaw, an ecologist and founding member of Freedom 21 Santa Cruz, shows how the concepts behind sustainable development are incompatible with personal liberty. Michael Coffman, President of Environmental Perspectives, reveals the false assumptions and outright fraud in sustainable development proposals.
Michael Chapman, of the American Heritage Research Group, makes a breathtaking presentation on how American schoolchildren have been conditioned to uncritically accept the premises of sustainable development as part of a larger plan to prepare them for global citizenship. Beverly Eakman, author of Cloning of the American Mind, exposes the group-manipulation tactics used in schools and public meetings to alter the attitudes of unwary participants.
Mary Alice Davis was eventually forced off her land by the communists in charge of 'Sustainable Development'!
The NAU Corridors . . . The Hidden Agenda! The Bottom Line . . .

Look Up! ~ Your Life & Health May Depend On It! 9-10-12
Catastrophe In The Making . . . Connecting The Dots! 8-18-12
Buying Guns? Why . . . You Won't Be Able To Carry or Use Them! 7-27-12
AMA-FDA Viciously Suppresses Cancer Cures ~ A Video Montage 6-13-12
Hemp vs. Marijuana . . . Do You Know The Difference?
That Was THEN . . . This Is NOW . . . With The SOLUTION! 2-6-12