Senate Vote On New World Order Imminent
Chris Carmouche - GrassTops USA
"It is global socialism. It is world government... It is a trap!" -Phyllis Schlafly
But at this very moment, a cabal of RINO's and Democrats are scheming to sneak this measure through the United States Senate... a UN-style treaty that is actually designed to hand over US sovereignty to a Third World, United Nations front-organization on a silver platter.
It sounds too strange to be true but they're actually planning to voluntarily cede control of the oceans and seas to an international, America-hating, United Nations front-organization and force us to pay "GLOBAL TAXES" for the privilege of doing just about anything on the open seas... that is... IF and WHEN we're ALLOWED by the America-haters of the world to do ANYTHING on the open seas.
Of course, we're talking about the insane Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) and it must be stopped.
In a nutshell, LOST is an "international agreement" that hands over control of the high seas and the ocean floor to an organization which calls itself the International Seabed Authority (ISA), a wholly owned subsidiary of the United Nations and the Third-World.
Make no mistake, if this cabal of Democrats and globalist RINOs succeed and ratify LOST:
The greatest threat to our sovereignty (LOST) is back. Globalist stooges in the United States Senate, on both sides of the aisle, tried to sneak it past us under the cover of darkness and ram it down our throats in 2004 and 2007. Both times, patriotic GrassTopsUSA members, like you, helped expose this plot, beat it back... and with your help we're going to do it again.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Fax messages to EACH AND EVERY Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternately, send your urgent Blast Faxes to EVERY MEMBER OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE. While too many RINOs have swallowed the globalist Kool-Aid, we only need the support of 34 Senators to scuttle the so-called Law of the Sea Treaty and you can make that happen right here and right now.
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LOST Was Bad News Thirty Years Ago And It's Still Bad News Today.
The fight over LOST is nothing new. Globalists in the United States Senate first tried to push LOST down our throats over 30 years ago, but President Ronald Reagan drew a line in the sand back then and said that LOST would become United States law "over my dead body" ... and it was no exaggeration... he meant it.
As a matter of fact, Reagan was so passionate in his opposition to LOST that, when he took took office, he made it a point to FIRE the State Department personnel responsible for promoting this treasonous treaty during the Carter Administration.
If you really want to know what is wrong with LOST, Reagan summed it up best some thirty years ago: "No national interest of the United States can justify handing sovereign control of two-thirds of the Earth's surface over to the Third World."
According to Carrie E. Donovan of the Heritage Foundation, Reagan had three major objections to LOST.
Unlike Barack Hussein Obama, Reagan regarded himself as President of the United States rather than Savior of the Third World. He wasn't willing to surrender an inch of American sovereignty and would never condone forcing Americans to kneel and pay tribute to a bunch of third-world despots.
And we know today what President Reagan knew then. If this treaty is approved by the Senate, Americans will surrender freedoms they can never regain and we must act now to preserve our freedom and our sovereignty.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Fax messages to EACH AND EVERY Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternately, send your urgent Blast Faxes to EVERY MEMBER OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE. While too many RINOs have swallowed the globalist Kool-Aid, we only need the support of 34 Senators to scuttle the so-called Law of the Sea Treaty and you can make that happen right here and right now.
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And Yes, There's More.
If LOST is ratified, the International Seabed Authority would have the power to impose taxes on the people of the United States. The ISA will call them "assessments," "fees," and "permits," but they would be taxes that American businesses... and therefore consumers (that's you) would be forced to pay to third-world despots.
Oh yes, that cost of doing business will be passed along to you. How much do you pay in taxes now for such exploration? Not one penny.
Can you see any reason why Americans should be forced to pay a United Nations style bureaucracy to do something we now do for free? Of course not.
But that's not all. This treaty from hell would not only tax Americans, it would also imperil our national security.
Today the United States Navy can go anywhere in the world, not only because it is the most powerful force afloat, but because it enjoys the respect of virtually every nation. Why surrender this power and freedom to an inconsequential, international cabal of America-haters?
We live in a dangerous world, where tiny nations like Iran and North Korea have nuclear weapons programs and would have no qualms about incinerating one of our cities to please whatever brutal gods they worship.
If we approve this treaty, we might well be signing a suicide note.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Fax messages to EACH AND EVERY Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternately, send your urgent Blast Faxes to EVERY MEMBER OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE. While too many RINOs have swallowed the globalist Kool-Aid, we only need the support of 34 Senators to scuttle the so-called Law of the Sea Treaty and you can make that happen right here and right now.
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All Hail The New World Order. Lest You Think We Exaggerate, Or Have LOST Our Minds; Here's What Other Respected Conservatives Say About LOST.
Ed Meese, Reagan's Attorney General, and William Clark, his National Security Adviser, once called LOST "a dramatic step toward world government" and warned us against "the increasingly brazen hostility of the United Nations and other multilateral institutions to the United States and its interests."
James Malone, President Reagan's Special Representative for the Law of the Sea Conference and Chief of the Delegation, said about LOST: "The Treaty's provisions were intentionally designed to promote a new world order - a form of global collectivism known as the New International Economic Order (NIEO) - that seeks ultimately the redistribution of the world's wealth through a complex system of manipulative central economic planning and bureaucratic coercion."
Oliver North once said: "LOST also opens the door to a long-sought U.N. goal: the redistribution of wealth by taxing Americans. The International Seabed Authority (ISA), a bloated, multi-national bureaucracy headquartered in Jamaica, has the mandate to distribute revenues and 'other economic benefits' on the basis of 'equitable sharing criteria,' taking into account the interests and needs of developing States."
Steve Groves, of the Heritage Foundation, an expert on LOST, wrote: "In addition to needlessly exposing itself to baseless environmental lawsuits, the United States would be required to transfer billions of dollars in oil and gas royalties...to the International Seabed Authority for redistribution to the developing world."
Senator Jim DeMint said: "This treaty would subordinate American sovereignty to the United Nations, impose an international tax on U.S. energy production that would raise costs for American families, and act as a backdoor Kyoto Protocol that could allow foreign nations to regulate U.S. energy emissions."
Forbes columnist Larry Bell reported that "as much as 7 percent of U.S. government revenue that is collected from oil and gas companies operating off our coast would be meted out to poorer, landlocked countries."
Tad Cronn, the editor in chief of The Patriots Almanac, wrote: "The treaty, which was endorsed by the former Soviet Union, would reduce our military power, rob us of rights over our own coastal resources, subject U.S. actions in international waters to the authority of foreign countries and submit our country to an international taxing agency that would 'redistribute' our wealth to other nations, including some of our enemies. ... As for increasing our national security, only a liberal could think that joining a treaty that requires us to give away secrets and our best technology to foreign nations that may use it against us is a way to secure the country."
But conservative icon, Phyllis Schlafly may have said it best: "It is global socialism. It is world government... It is a trap!"
We could tell you that LOST is an Obama power-grab, but that would be a bold-faced lie. In actuality, it's an Obama power-giveaway... a treasonous attempt to sublimate the United States to the global community.
It should be obvious that this treaty was designed with one purpose is mind: to cripple and rob the United States of America and we're not about to let that happen.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Fax messages to EACH AND EVERY Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternately, send your urgent Blast Faxes to EVERY MEMBER OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE. While too many RINOs have swallowed the globalist Kool-Aid, we only need the support of 34 Senators to scuttle the so-called Law of the Sea Treaty and you can make that happen right here and right now.
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We've Got Some Bad News And We've Got Some Good News.
The bad news is that far too many of our so-called Republican Senators are swallowing the globalist Kool-Aid.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee WILL (repeat, WILL) send the Law of the Sea Treaty to the full Senate for ratification, possibly by the time you read this urgent appeal, and try to fast-track a vote on this treasonous treaty before the American people are any the wiser.
Why do we say "WILL?" Three of the nine Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Richard Lugar (RINO-IN), Bob Corker (RINO-TN) and Lisa Murkowski (RINO-AK), were on the Committee back in 2007 and voted in favor of LOST... and they'll do it again.
And there's no doubt, if this treasonous and unconstitutional treaty passes in the Senate, the Great Usurper and Apologist-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, WILL sign it into law.
But there's also good news. Treaties can only pass the United States Senate with a two-thirds majority and that means we only need 34 United States Senators to stand in opposition to LOST.
That's extremely do-able. You can make a difference right now, but it won't be easy. The globalists in the United States Senate wouldn't be pushing LOST again unless they felt certain they could reach across the aisle and muster the votes to pass it.
They're desperate... they see the handwriting on the wall... they know that the American people will reject Obama-Socialism at the polls in November and they're trying to ram through what they believe can be rammed through before the election.
Make no mistake. A vote in the Senate on LOST could be close and that's why each and every Republican in the United States Senate needs to hear from you right here and right now.
Liberals are already putting on a full court press. Using the Alinsky tactic of ridicule, they're trying to shame the Republicans who are against LOST into voting for it through a campaign of lies and propaganda.
The radical website, Think Progress, admonishes us: "One hundred and sixty-two other countries have ratified it, and the United States remains the only industrialized nation that has not joined the international community. (Other nonsignatories include such heady company as North Korea, Iran, Syria, and Libya.)" Get it? Only barbaric totalitarian morons have any objections to LOST.
According to Radio Boston: "Members of the U.S. Navy, the countries’ business community and most of the country’s former secretaries of state are in support of the U.S. signing onto the treaty." Give us a break. Of course high-ranking elitists support LOST. That's news?
And speaking of elitists, Stewart M. Patrick, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, says that those who oppose LOST are “still trotting out long-discredited talking points.” The fact that such a statement (it's a crock, by the way) is coming from a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations just about says it all. We rest our case.
But the latest scuttlebutt in Washington is that ratifying the Law of the Sea Treaty would "give the United States a seat at the table." RINOs in Congress love that expression.... they used that same idiotic rationale a couple of years ago to justify their support of ObamaCare... BEFORE you successfully demanded that they fly right and oppose it.
And it's a rather ridiculous statement when you think it through. The United States doesn't need anyone's "permission" to "sit at the table." It's tantamount to inviting your friends (and some of your enemies) over to your house for Thanksgiving dinner, cooking the meal, and then begging them for a "seat at the table" once you've served the meal.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Fax messages to EACH AND EVERY Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternately, send your urgent Blast Faxes to EVERY MEMBER OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE. While too many RINOs have swallowed the globalist Kool-Aid, we only need the support of 34 Senators to scuttle the so-called Law of the Sea Treaty and you can make that happen right here and right now.
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Chris Carmouche