Alan Keyes
Enemies who hate America, despise liberty, and want the United States transformed from a Constitutional, commercial republic into socialism, are relentlessly advancing a seditious new plan – Agenda 21 – to make our nation a vassal of the United Nations.
For the first time ever in America's storied history, these opponents of American nationalism have a willing accomplice in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama. Obama leads the majority party, the Democrats, in the U.S. Senate where international treaties and U.N. pacts are ratified.
So the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives will be of no assistance. It's up to "we the people" if Agenda 21 is to be fended off, and America kept the land of the free!
Since my years of service as U.S. Ambassador under President Ronald Reagan, I've alerted America to a myriad of United Nations threats to America's sovereignty and security. But Agenda 21 is the most aggressive and ambitious attack on our nation to be put forth by the U.N. one-worlders for decades. Its Preamble states:
"Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced: a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."
Agenda 21 is overtly totalitarian, and inimical to our liberty in countless ways. I thus am calling on you, in my capacity as founder and director of Declaration Alliance (DA), to alert your Senators to this menace and repel it while there's still time.
You see, the Providential principles of our God-ordained Declaration of Independence are prudently applied in the U.S. Constitution, which states we the people are in charge of our Senators and Representatives. DA is a national organization of bold political activism directly dedicated to the pursuit of justice and to sustaining our Declaration principles in governance. We work to inform Congress and the nation of vital matters through alerts to the American people, activists, advocates, like-minded organizations, legislators and official agencies that support and sustain Founding principles of responsible self-government.
And America is in such jeopardy from Agenda 21 that patriots like you must act immediately or we can't stop its efforts to:
Eliminate private property rights,
Enforce U.N. mandated low-energy, ecologically-approved housing – to replace YOUR home,
Confiscate private farms and farmland,
Snatch away other private landholdings,
Ban individual ownership of internal combustion vehicles.
And should you think I err on the side of hyperbole, listen to what the U.N. itself says the treaty entails:
Underlying Agenda 21 is the notion that humanity has reached a defining moment in its history. We can continue our present policies which serve to deepen the economic divisions within and between countries; which increase poverty, hunger, sickness and illiteracy worldwide; and which are causing the continued deterioration of the ecosystem on which we depend for life on Earth. Or we can change course… New concepts of wealth and prosperity should be developed which allow higher standards of living through changed lifestyles that are less dependent on the Earth's finite resources and more in harmony with its carrying capacity. This idea should be reflected in new systems of national accounts and other indicators of sustainable development. "No nation can achieve this on its own," states the preamble to Agenda 21. "Together we can – in a global partnership for sustainable development."
Can't happen here, you say? Think again, because Agenda 21 is already being put in place with little notice, as Obama makes good on his vow to "fundamentally transform America!"
On June 9th Obama signed Executive Order 13575, establishing a new administrative body, the White House Rural Council, tasked to "federally coordinate and implement environmental development locally in 'sustainable rural communities.'"
That might not sound threatening on the surface, but in my long experience with the worst of federal government AND United Nation power grabs, the phrase "sustainable rural communities" is a red flag of danger, because that term is straight out of Agenda 21!
In fact, "sustainable" has been the eco-extremist buzzword for two decades – since the 1992 U.N. "Earth Summit" Conference on Environment & Development (UNCED) was held in Rio de Janeiro to advance the green agenda of anti-oil alternative energy, global warming alarmism, and "deadly" CO2 and "greenhouse gas" emissions.
Most American authorities at the time dismissed that global forum as inconsequential venting by "eco-conspiracy" extremists unworthy of rebuttal. That was a huge mistake because…
…growing relentlessly since, UNCED and its spawn, like the 2011 U.N. Climate Conference in South Africa, have hatched a plot for a centrally governed global society – environmentalism's version of the Marxist "utopia" of communism – that will institute international agency-administered laws dictating:
Where we live,
What we eat,
What resources and energy sources we may use,
Where, when and how we can move (if at all).
You must help Declaration Alliance alert your Senators to how Agenda 21 openly targets private property – control of which is a long-time aspiration of the United Nations. The U.N. wrongly contends private land ownership causes inequitable concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice. Healthy societies can only be achieved, these leftists insist, if land is communal and all used in the interest of society, not individuals.
Agenda 21 thus is a transnational, eco-Marxist plan to erode property and other rights, destroy individual liberty, gut our Constitution and make America submissive to foreign bureaucrats!
It should be enough to know that George Soros, the America-hating billionaire, is pushing Agenda 21 through his International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives. Barack Obama's ally and funder is pouring his money into its ratification – funds that are not yet being matched by those seeking its repudiation.
If we are to prevent this totalitarian treaty from becoming the law of our land, we must act QUICKLY! Demand your U.S. Senators be true to their oath of office: "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States." Let them know about Obama's Executive Order for Agenda 21 is utterly at odds with our Constitution, inimical to our republican form of governance, and hostile to America's history and tradition as "land of the free and home of the brave"!
Open their eyes to the fact that – by first targeting and then eliminating private property in the land of the free – this subversive eco-scam would effectively end our Constitutional Republic by transforming the United States into a subordinate, vassal state of the United Nations. Tell them a vote FOR Agenda 21 is a vote AGAINST the Constitution, AGAINST the United States of America, AGAINST the will of the people they were elected to serve!
And because Soros' money is flowing toward Agenda 21's bloodless coup of the United States, please include a generous, even sacrificial, gift to help Declaration Alliance sound the alarm across our land, and DEFEAT this stealthy attack on our freedom!
Your financial support is absolutely crucial if Declaration Alliance, a grassroots effort that solely depends on the generosity of patriots like you, is to expose and stop this seditious scheme!
What's more, please share this letter with family and friends. Bring them up to speed on this most-ambitious-of-all U.N. threats, thus helping Declaration Alliance spread the word far and wide.
Above all, be sure to bless DA with your best-possible gift, for our financial burden is great as we fight against the Marxist-driven tyranny that seeks to destroy our nation. Those who signed the Declaration and Constitution expect us to do our part to preserve what they so fearlessly founded for generations to come.
To stop the capitulation into the socialist nightmare of Agenda 21, it's absolutely imperative that patriotic Americans reach deep, sacrificially deep. This is our moment! Now is not the time to be found wanting.
The very safety of your family and our nation is worth true sacrifice. So act right now by returning your signed petition and including a generous gift that will help us keep this extreme, globalist environmental Marxism from becoming the law in America.
Alan Keyes
P.S. It's appalling the number of elected officials who, by design or incompetence, neither uphold nor defend our Constitution. Anyone with more than a cursory knowledge of our Founding would see, as you do, that Agenda 21 in diametrically opposed to all for which America stands! Yet, sadly, it's down to you. Help "we the people" speak up loud and clear by enabling Declaration Alliance to warn of this dreadful fate that's befalling the land we love. For America's sake!
If you prefer to send a check, please mail to:
Declaration Alliance
National Processing Center
PO Box 131728
Houston, TX 77219-1728