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WHO has just released its “Whole of Society Pandemic readiness guidelines" first prepared in April 2009, the same month the swine flu virus mysteriously appeared in Mexico City, and revised in July 2009.
The plan outlines how WHO will take over a country’s essential services, including water and sanitation; fuel and energy; food; health care; telecommunications; finance; law and order; education; and transportation under the pretext of a pandemic emergency.
WHO claims even a moderate flu “pandemic” will “test the limits of resilience of nations, companies, and communities, depending on their capacity to respond” and require WHO to assume charge of government functions.
“National inter-ministerial pandemic preparedness committees should map out the central government’s roles, responsibilities, and chain of command and designate lead agencies,” says WHO, omitting to mention these committees answer to the UN health body.
WHO says the Ministries of Defence should consider what military assets should be brought to bear in the event of a pandemic and how to mobilize them, preparing for the use of the army to force quarantine and vaccinate people – perhaps after WHO has once more given a live bird flu virus to pharma companies to contaminate vaccine material as happened in Austria in February when Baxter nearly triggered a global pandemic.
Baxter executives sit on WHO’s key vaccine advisory board which recommended the toxic and untested swine flu jab for the world in the response to a flu milder than the seasonal one..
“Public health measures, such as quarantines and school and business closures
might place serious burdens on society and individual liberties, especially if they are
implemented on a wide scale. Governments should carefully weigh the risks and benefits of far-reaching restrictions on movement and implement these measures in a way that respects individual rights,” says WHO.
However, WHO also says: “Ministries of Justice should consider what legal processes could be suspended during the pandemic and make alternative plans to operate courts during pandemic.”
In France, leaked documents show that the Minister of Justice has ordered the suspension of the most basic rights, and people can be incarcerated for up to six months without having to appear before a judge in a pandemic emergency.
In addition, drills and exercises of the kind conducted by WHO in the Ukraine a month before the pneumonic plague appeared there are envisaged.
“6.5 Table-top and simulation exercises and drills at all levels are the best way to test,
validate, and improve pandemic preparedness plans. Tools developed by WHO or
international organizations and adapted to local circumstances may be useful for a quick
review to identify gaps during the pandemic response mode.”
Link to WHO and the document there Link to the same document hosted on our server