US Census And GPS Mapping Was The Implementation Of A UN Plan
JK Kelly
Found this interesting comment on www.markswatson.com Nov 4 posting.
US Census And GPS Mapping Was The Implementation Of A UN Plan - JK Kelly
A great deal of speculation has taken place about the small army of census takers that has been reported GPS mapping individual buildings and residences across the country. A recently discovered UN document reveals the reasons behind this development.
It turns out that GPS surveying is not limited to the US alone. UN document ESA/STAT/AC.98/14 (http://www.markswatson.com/globgpsun.pdf) details plans for a global implementation of a GIS (Geographical Information System) using census and other personal data; remote sensing, including aerial and satellite photography; and internet mapping "to create relevant information for spatial analysis and decision making." Development data, such as economic or HEALTH DATA (the efficacy of a nationalized health care system containing current addresses becomes apparent in this context) are to be included within an administrative framework designed to be \"flexible enough and well structured to incorporate new and future administrative divisions."
Although the document purports to present GPS mapping, remote sensing, integrated field data collection, etc., merely as tools to conduct a successful census, the clear implication is that such census data collection techniques are actually tools by which an advanced and highly accurate form of individual population mapping is being accomplished on a worldwide scale. Census taking is envisioned to become a continuous process rather than a deca-annual event: "Therefore, we advocate a paradigm shift from a traditional mapping approach, which is repeated for every census, to a digital census mapping approach, which is an up-to-date and a continuous approach. "
When this program data base is fully implemented, it should have the potential capability of plotting up-to-date locations of every individual and business in the world, with links to existing and future data bases containing financial, health, criminal, internet useage, and other personal information.
The United Nations Statistics Division has so far provided free software (ArcView 3.3 ) to the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of at least forty developing countries in order to implement this program. The UN document recommends a Permanent "Cartography & Geographic Informatio\" Unit be established within each countries' NSO, as well as a working "group of experts," and an international conference to bring developing nations up to date with this technology. - JK Kelly
It is still painfully obvious, however, that the military application for GPS tagging is for precision weapon strikes to said coordinates.
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