United Nations Parliamentary Assembly One World Government in disguise
Judi McLeod
A UN-styled One World Government has just taken a great leap forward.
“Little more than a year after its launch, an international campaign to bring democracy to the United Nations has achieved a landmark,” says a June 30 media release from Ottawa.
Like most things UN, the international campaign has an innocuous sounding name, the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, UNPA for short.
The UNPA’s 500 parliamentary endorsers, from over 80 countries, including Canada’s Senator Romeo Dallaire, have all signed the campaign’s appeal.
“In addition to the support of 519 current parliamentarians, the UNPA campaign has been endorsed by the European Parliament, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development of the Canadian House of Commons, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Pan-African Parliament and (most recently) the Latin American Parliament’s Commission on Political Affairs.
Andreas Bummel is head of the UNPA Secretariat, which is headquartered in Berlin.
“The enthusiastic response of these politicians demonstrates that lawmakers elected at the national level readily appreciate the logic of having elected representatives at the global level and now want to take action,” says Bummel.
What latter-day politician would not be enthused to have more power at the global level and be ready for action?
The UNPA campaign could have more accurately headlined their media release, “Here comes the first draft of One World Government.”
Now that it’s all but a fait accompli, average folk can view UNPA online here.
The appeal “asserts that solutions to the world’s major economic, environmental, humanitarian and other problems require that `all human beings engage in collaborative efforts’, including a gradual implementation of democratic participation and representation on the global level.”
One question that should immediately come to mind is the one that asks, “How gradual an implementation of democratic participation from the public at large?
According to the media release, “The broad endorsement the appeal got from elected representatives all over the world is a major milestone.”
Dallaire said, “A UN Parliamentary Assembly would make the UN system more accountable and more responsive to the collective needs and rights of the world’s citizens.”
Lofty words from a man whose cry for help to the UN for more peacekeepers in Rwanda went unheeded.
Dallaire was the Canadian general in charge of the UN peacekeeping troops during the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
Here is how the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Digital Archives explains Dallaire: “With more than 800,000 people slaughtered in 100 days, the Rwandan genocide stands as one of the most horrific mass murders of the past century. In the middle of the horror was a Canadian peacekeeper whose efforts to avert the tragedy were thwarted by political apathy and incalculable evil. CBC Digital looks back at this sad chapter in Africa’s history and how Lt.-Gen. Romeo Dallaire managed to survive to become Canada’s most famous casualty of war.”
Luis Maria de Puig, Spanish Senator, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, promises “The establishment of a UN Parliamentary Assembly would be an important step to bring the UN closer to the world’s citizens.”
Amadi Bethel, deputy of the People’s Democratic Party, Nigerian House of Representatives states “Through elected representatives the new assembly would give ordinary citizens a voice in international affairs. This would introduce a new dynamic at the UN, something which governments also might appreciate.”
Problem is that governments everywhere now march to the tune of the politically correct and continue to create ways to tax the little people they were elected to serve.
The appeal was initiated by an international campaign launched in May of 2007. The UN Parliamentary Assembly could be established as a consultative body—without requiring UN Charter reform. It would initially be composed of national and regional parliamentarians but at a later stage become a directly elected body.
But ordinary people did not ask for the creation of a UN Parliamentary Assembly, politicians and NGOs did.
“Anyone who believes in a more democratic world can sign the appeal by visiting unpacampaign.org,” says Fergus Watt, Executive Director of the World Federalist Movement-Canada, a member of the UNPA Campaign steering committee.
According to Watt, “a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly would help foster a sense of global community and create a powerful constituency for a United Nations system better equipped to tackle the many challenges ahead.”
The Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly is a global network of parliamentarians and non-governmental organizations advocating citizen’s representation at the United Nations. The World Federalist Movement-Canada (WFM-C) is a not-for-profit research, education and advocacy organization. It is a member of the international World Federalist Movement (WFM), an association of 24 World Federalist organizations from around the world. WFM is headquartered in New York--next to the United Nations.
To patriots everywhere, the UNPA should be as welcome as the threat of the looming North American Union (NAU). For in spite of the enthusiasm of the politicians who signed the appeal, it is nothing more than One World Government in disguise.
Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com, and Glenn Beck.
Judi can be emailed at: judi@canadafreepress.com