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The USA plays fast and loose with UN Security Council Resolutions
e designate Warren M. Christopher (see http://www.show-the-house.com/id49.html) as clear evidence of the US Government's lack of resolve in implementing UN Security Council Resolution 242.
Every administration since that of Ronald Reagan has ignored pleas to address two problems directly and forthrightly: maps of The New York Times which show the Golan Heights not as occupied Syrian territory but as an integral part of the Zionist state, and Golan wine imported into the USA with labels reading "Produce of Israel." If the USA cannot assert its declared policy at home, how can it assert it abroad? The US Constitution requires fulfillment of treaty obligations.
Such clear open source evidence that the USA's solemn agreement among nations lacks any credibility whatsoever stands in stark contrast to dubious evidence that the USA has thrust upon the IAEA in the case of Iran; namely, documents of unclear provenance and uncertain chain of possession of evidence. Such a star-chamber praxis of evil is wholly consistent with other examples of secret evidence and outright fraud and force which were first exposed by Bush's former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, and now by his former Press Secretary Scott McClellan.
You can tell a tree by its fruit; the Bush Administration cannot produce routine video surveillance evidence showing ANY of the passengers at ANY of the airports of 9/11; yet the UN has given a mandate to this destroyer of nations and peoples so he can nurture his dark secrets and revert to his cruel and crazy "shock and awe." It is better to support the Qatari Foreign Minister's excellent policies against division, foreign meddling and Mafioso "protection" rackets in the Middle East.
Stephen M. St. John
Post Office Box 449
Rockefeller Center
New York, NY 10185