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Adam Casalino

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Trump Unveils Timeline To Reopen America – Says Some States Could Open “Maybe Even Before May 1”




President Trump is quickly working to make sure the cure doesn’t become worse than the disease.

I’m sure I’m not the only person upset over the prolonged shutdown of our nation. The “slow the spread” initiative hit many businesses hard and upended millions of lives. A good president would be eager to bring America back to work.

And the president that helped America reach record economic heights is laying out a timeline to bring us back. And it’s sooner than many expected.

From Breitbart:

President Donald Trump on Tuesday announced that he would be reopening some states as early as April…

“The day will be very close. … It’s going to be very, very close, maybe even before the date of May 1st,” Trump said.

Boom. Yesterday, Trump announced that some states would be reopening as early as April.

He said some would be back to work before the May 1st deadline.

“Experts” have been raining doom and gloom on us for months. Some (Obama-era goons) have even claimed the country should be shut down for 18 months.

Can you imagine what that would do to our economy and jobs?

But already we’ve seen governors talk about reopening their states. Even New York Gov. Cuomo (a state hit hardest by the virus) is saying the “worst” is behind them.

He and many other governors are talking about getting their states back to work. Texas Gov. Abbott has been discussing his plan to reopen the Lone Star State for about a week.

The fact remains, many states were hardly affected by the virus. Some saw a handful of infections and very few deaths. Should they be punished the same as states hit harder? Should their communities and businesses suffer, when there is a low threat?

Even the states like California and Seattle (early hotspots) are now doing much better.

I think it’s reasonable to say that returning to work—with protections in place for workers—is a much better path than a prolonged shutdown.

The president struck a note of optimism by suggesting some states will be returning to normal before May.

Others will hopefully see a return in the early weeks of May.