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Charles Miller

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Important for some one to push the issues so that dialogue may open supporting President Trump.

As sent to the White House via the People’s web portal email service to our President, 2:10 pm, pacific, 2/27/2020.

Also sending via fax to the White House, cc to AG BARR, and numerous members Congress via both fax and email.




Dear President Trump, our President,

Divided Loyalty Purge.

We, your loyal Beneficiaries, Miller, Westover, Provost Jr., approach our Trustee, President Trump, with this Beneficiaries Letter of Advice and Wishes.

The Divided Loyalty so prevalent in the executive branch is fostered and supported at the highest levels by one identifiable group of individual actors. We use the term actors in its proper context. Actor simple means impersonator. 18 U.S. Code § 912.

Whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States or any department, agency or officer thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money, paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both

This Letter of Advice and Wishes upon service, filing and publish qualifies under the Federal Rules of Evidence as Notice and Opportunity to Respond, full faith and credit government record, before the whole of the American People and World.

Our Letter of Wishes, requires at a minimum, that our Trustee, Donald Trump, execute the Chief Magistrates Office, the highest function assigned to our President by Constitution, in a simple direct manner. The procedures are time honored, comply with due process and protect the National Security of the People and our country.

A. Apply the full investigative authority of the Office of President. Focus on one single issue with trusted investigators acting under Presidents Executive Order. The Order to require immediate full support from any law enforcement agency, state or federal, receiving federal money or support.

B. Task the investigators with a single charge to be completed in 30 days, delivery of full report with proofs of public records.

The Chief Magistrate of the United States has been informed from credible sources, that Constitutional infirmities of certain executive officers may be affecting the proper operations of the United States Government. In order to preserve the integrity of the Rule of Law and avoid grave National Security risks a full investigation of these matters is required.

C. In order to meet the obligation to provide full due process for all citizens that may be affected by this investigation, the Office of President is required to provide notice to the Chief Justice of the United States, Judiciary Committees in both the House of Representatives and Senate, and most important the American People.

D. Once the investigation is complete and the Chief Magistrates Office, with counsel from appropriate agencies, findings are reviewed, the President will issue formal findings to the Nation.

E. In the event the investigation clears Constitutional infirmities from affecting the Security of the United States, the Chief Magistrate will declare the facts and law restoring confidence to government operations.

F. In the event the investigation reveals Constitutional infirmities, rising to crimes, the identified offices and officials, past and present, will be granted twenty (20) days to Show the Cause, why removal from office, felony charges if appropriate, return of all monies or benefits accrued, should not be enforced.

G. In the event Constitutional infirmities are exposed, all orders and official acts taken under the infirmities are to be enjoined from execution, pending proper review by the Congress Assembled, the United States Supreme Court.

Mr. President, the simple fact that Barrack Obama never met the legal and Constitutional requirements to serve as President of the United States means none of his acts, particularly appointment to public office, and legislation endorsed, are valid. All Obama’s acts are VOID not merely voidable. The Rule of Law in action.

Mr. President, you now have the legal, political and Constitutionally required tools to not only identify Divided Loyalty actors in government, yet more to the point, the lawful basis for Draining a significant part of the Swamp. The result of this investigative act are incalculable as to the benefits to MAGA and KAG!

Please consider requesting your large Army of the American voters to approach their representatives demanding immediate support for full transparent investigation.

The American People and the world affected by this investigation have the right to know!

Charles Miller <>