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Mike Pence Brings Incredible Pro-American Message To CPAC


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Mike Pence Brings Incredible Pro-American Message To CPAC

Vice President Mike Pence gave an impassioned and stunningly patriotic pro-American speech at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center on Thursday as the first full day of CPAC 2020 officially kicked off. 

Confidently strutting to the podium to the sound of Bad Company's "Alright Now," Pence's first order of business was to address the threat posed by the lethal Coronavirus. 

Pence claimed that only one new case of Coronavirus has been detected in the U.S. within the past two weeks. He also said that while the risk posed by the Coronavirus is low, the Trump administration is "ready for anything."

Vice President @Mike_Pence at : President @realDonaldTrump has no higher priority than the health, safety, and well-being of the American People.

While the risk of the remains low to the American public, as the president said yesterday, we are ready!

The Vice-President then pivoted to the importance of re-electing President Trump in 2020, listing the immense accomplishments achieved by the administration over the past three years, including massive and record-breaking economic growth, burgeoning military spending as well as leadership which is once again respected on the world stage, as well as Trump's incredible support for the state of Israel. 

The crowd audibly booed as Pence described the "pallets of cash" sent to the Iranian regime under Barack Obama, but the boos were followed by wild cheers after Pence described the President's decision to strike Iranian terrorist commander Qassem Soliemani. \

Vice President Pence:

"Bernie Sanders even called the president's decision in his words 'assassinating a government official.' I've got news for Bernie Sanders, Soleimani was not some government official, he was a terrorist and President Trump was right to take him down."

Pence then reminded the audience that national security begins with "border security" and that President Trump has followed through on his campaign promises to keep drugs and illegal migrants out of the United States before then pivoting to reminding the audience of what is perhaps Trump's most impressive accomplishment of all: appointing over 190 conservative judges to the federal bench, including two Supreme Court Justices. 

He also reminded onlookers that under Trump private businesses have created over 7 million new jobs and that unemployment for American workers is now at a 50-year-low. 

Pence also discussed the President's potential Democratic challengers claiming proudly that the only victor from the recent debate was President Trump himself. 

More ominously Pence pointed out that "there are no moderates in this Democratic field," and that the Democrat party is well on its way to nominating an avowed socialist who honeymooned in the Soviet Union, which for years was America's most dangerous enemy.

Pence closed by remarking that ultimately the choice the American people would be faced with was a choice between "freedom or socialism." And that though America currently has a "freedom-loving President" who has a strong track record of fighting for them that, as the election draws tight, it was now America's turn to fight for him.