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After Trump Rally Fans Carry WWII Vet To His Seat – Video Catches Donald Giving Him ‘Shout-Out’ And Signed Hats

Adam Casalino

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February 20, 2020



Last night the Democrats held another primary debate. Geez, can’t these guys make up their minds, by now?

The night was marked by vicious attacks. But while the left tore itself to shreds, Donald Trump was making history.

He hosted a packed-out rally in Phoenix, Arizona. As many patriots gathered to hear the president speak, a few men were seen carrying someone.

They lifted a WWII vet in their arms, to carry him to his seat. Trump noticed and took a moment to honor him.

From Daily Caller:

President Donald Trump supporters got everyone’s attention Wednesday when a video surfaced of two men carrying a WWII veteran to his seat ahead of the president’s rally in Phoenix, Arizona…

Check out this amazing scene!b

Wow. After the video of the men went viral online and in the news, Trump took a couple minutes to honor this hero:

He said even CNN was covering the story. President Trump honored the man, saying right now he’s “hotter than Trump.”

Not letting the moment slip away, he let the arena cheer this American hero. Later he got him signed hats and delivered them personally.

Even during an important rally, where he’s fighting for re-election, Trump took the time to honor and thank a veteran.

President Trump is known to make time stop what he’s doing to thank servicemen, police officers, and first responders.

His humanity is on display when he stops to sign a poster of a child or to greet wounded warriors in a hospital.

Do you see this kind of thing going on during Democrat events? Most of the left-wing candidates are too concerned with identity politics, wokeness, and “representation.”

They waste time bickering over whose bloated health care system is worse.

Simple things like thanking our fathers and grandfathers are not on the agenda.

But, as long as Trump is in the White House, we have a president who cares about real people.

SHARE to join Trump in honoring this WWII vet!