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Trump Appoints Richard Grenell As Director Of National Intelligence


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President Trump announced on Wednesday that current Ambassador to Germany and longtime loyalist Richard Grenell will become the new acting Director of National Intelligence.

The move reportedly heartened conservatives who have been critical of the many scandals which have rocked the intellligence community in recent years.

As Fox News reports:

President Trump announced Wednesday that Richard Grenell, the U.S. ambassador to Germany, will become acting director of national intelligence, in a move that has heartened conservatives eager for new leadership as a series of scandals have plagued the intelligence community.

Grenell, a Trump loyalist who has a large and active conservative following on Twitter, would take over from the current acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, amid the president's push to remove what he calls bad actors at the highest levels of the FBI and other agencies.

Maguire was required by law to leave the post of acting director of national intelligence within weeks. Grenell would become the first openly gay Cabinet member in history upon his selection by the president...

I am pleased to announce that our highly respected Ambassador to Germany, @RichardGrenell, will become the Acting Director of National Intelligence. Rick has represented our Country exceedingly well and I look forward to working with him. I would like to thank Joe Maguire....


....for the wonderful job he has done, and we look forward to working with him closely, perhaps in another capacity within the Administration!

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Grenell's willingness to stand up to allies and adversaries alike won him numerous supporters, including many commentators who quickly praised his promotion.