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Rod Remelin

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When a government tells you who your enemy is, that government is your enemy.

When a government tells you who your friends are, that government is your enemy.


When a government speaks, and you believe what that government says, and you give that government your trust as a result, you become the worst enemy of all. . . to the entire human race.


"There has never been to date, any government that is worthy of the pubic trust." "Nor has there ever been a government that told the truth, ever." Governments by Their inherent nature are ALWAYS populated by the worst liars, cheats and thieves imaginable; but for the common man who seems to forever overlook such gross personal iniquities and defects in those he blindly gives consent to act as his surrogate parent from cradle to grave, the resulting dishonor, and bad judgement of such blind obedience and implied dependence on the part of his own actions, can never be relieved in one lifetime, no matter how many devices might be used to block the truth.


"Planet Earth is a planet of slaves; ruled by and over the most evil people that have ever existed quite possibly in the known universe." And to think how that fact could be -- with the vast majority in a constant state of perpetual indifference to -- is at the very least, somewhat perplexing. . . but probably more so for the Gods Themselves.