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The Top Trump Accomplishments of 2019


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  • 2019-12-30
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff

    Trump has made it far in 2019 despite the Democrat's attempts to pull him down. With the highlights this year we also saw some low lights, mainly impeachment but that is panning out to be a nothing burger. Here were Trump’s biggest highlights from 2019:

    1.) Helping Minority Communities



    Trump has done a fantastic job helping minority communities, no other President has brought as much wealth and prosperity to African-American, Asian-American, and Latino-American families.


    2.) Economic Growth




    Under the Trump administration, the country has seen economic success on all levels. It would be a list of it's own if we were to list each and every way the economy has expanded but the quick version is that the GDP is ever-growing, the stock market is soaring, and money is coming in for more American Families!


    3.) More Jobs!



    Trump has expanded the Job market in a variety of ways, ever since his presidency started this has been a big focus and this year Trump did better than the last two years, and those years saw unprecedented growth!


    4.) Optimistic Manufacturers



    When surveyed it was revealed that almost all US manufacturers felt optimistic about the future of the industry. This is great news for the country!     


    5.) Regulations Erased!

    White House [Public Domain]


    Trump and his administration have cut a record number of regulations! Don’t let the left scare you, most of these regulations are junk and put in simply so bureaucrats can say they did something!     


    6.) Right to Try Legislation



    The Right to Try legislation that Trump signed was a no brainer! The legislation lets those who are terminally-ill try treatments that might not normally be legal. It gives these patients a chance to live, it is the least that can be done when these individuals have already been dealt a bad hand.     


    7.) Space Force!

    United States Air Force via Wikipedia Commons


    Space Force! Even the name is cool! Trump authorized the creation of a new military branch that is going to help out in all things space. This involves satellites, space stations, and maybe one-day interstellar warfare!