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President Trump and his allies have had enough of the impeachment witch hunt.

After months of investigations and hearings, they are fighting against Adam Schiff’s rigged trial.

And Donald Trump saw impeachment shut down with these three words.

Adam Schiff has dragged on an impeachment hearing against Donald Trump for long enough, and both members of the left and right have had enough.

But that’s not stopping major Democrats from pushing the matter further.

Recently, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer penned a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling for even more witnesses to be called in this sham of a trial.

But McConnell shot back with three words that will end the impeachment vote for good.

From Fox News:

“Do we know enough, have we learned enough after listening to all this that we want to vote on the two very weak articles of impeachment? Or, do we want to have a show trial in which both sides try to embarrass the other and put on an embarrassing scene, frankly, for the American people,” McConnell stated.

McConnell says that we’ve heard enough, and that there is no reason to prolong this sham of a trial with yet more costly investigations, hearings, and the subpoena of more witnesses.

Speaking to the Senate Wednesday morning, McConnell stated that Schumer’s request for a Senate vote “would set a nightmarish scenario for impeachment.”

“Obviously, I think we’ve heard enough. And, after we’ve heard the arguments we ought to vote and move on,” he explained.

“If we go down the witness path, we’re going to want the whistleblower. We’re going to want Hunter Biden. You can see here that this would be kind of a mutual assured destruction,” he warned. “We know how it’s going to end. The president is not going to be removed from office.

McConnell knows that this trial has gone on long enough.

There is no evidence that the President committed any of the crimes the left is accusing him of, simply because he did not commit those crimes.

Both he and several witnesses have denied any claims of wrongdoing both with the suggested call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and any supposed attempt to rig the upcoming 2020 election.

President Trump has only ever run his campaign fairly and with transparency, but the left just cannot accept the fact that Trump won the election fairly.

They also know that they cannot beat Trump in 2020, so they continue to scheme and plot to remove him as a player.

The left is full of corruption, and this impeachment hearing has only brought that even more to light.

Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi are the ones who should be put on trial and impeached from their office due to the constant manipulation of their party, their office, the media, and the American justice system.

They will continue to wreak havoc in Washington until they are removed from office.