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Donald Trump: Joe Biden Has ‘No Clue What the Hell He’s Doing’

Charlies Spiering

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President Donald Trump ripped former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday, asserting that he would be terrible at negotiating with China.

He said that China likely prefers a Democrat president in the next election.

“They would love to see a guy like Sleepy Joe Biden who has no clue what the hell he is doing,” Trump said.

Trump said that China was likely desperate for trade relations with the United States to return to normal.

“They’re praying, they would like to see a new president in a year and a half so that they could continue to rip off the United States like they’ve been doing for the last 25 years,” he said.

He paraphrased a possible trade agreement with China that a confused President Biden would sign.

“They would say to Sleepy Joe, ‘Sir, just sign right there,’ he would say, ‘Oh, OK, I’ll sign,'” Trump said.

The president spoke about Biden during a campaign rally in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Trump noted that China has stolen jobs and intellectual property for years, but that politicians from both parties failed to stop it.

He recalled that he announced new tariffs on Chinese products on Thursday, after it was clear that they were not willing to make a deal.

“Until such time that there is a deal, we will be taxing the hell out of China,” he said as the crowd cheered.

Earlier Thursday, Trump spoke about Biden’s performance in the Democrat presidential primary debate on Wednesday night.

“I think Biden did OK, he came through, he came limping through. As I say about sleepy Joe, he limped right through it,” Trump said as he left the White House for his trip to Ohio.