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American Hostage Mom Praises Trump's Tireless Rescue Efforts


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The mother of James Foley, the American photographer violently executed by ISIS is offering President Trump effusive praise for aggressively seeking the freedom of hundreds of Americans being held hostage around the world.

Her praise is in sharp contrast to her earlier criticism of the Obama administration. (Law&Crime)


“I have to commend the Trump administration,” said Diane Foley in an interview on the Brian Ross Investigates program on the Law and Crime Network. “The Trump administration has made the return of Americans more of a priority, without a doubt,” she said.

It was five years ago this summer that her 40-year old son was brutally murdered by ISIS, all recorded on a grisly video that shocked the world.

At the time, Mrs. Foley claimed officials in the Obama White House gave her son’s plight a low priority, misled her about key developments and threatened to prosecute anyone who tried to raise money to pay the ransom that ISIS was demanding.

Her public comments led President Obama in 2015 to institute a series of reforms designed to better deal with American hostages and their families.