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COMMENT: OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP - APRIL 2, 2019 l BREAKING: INVASION! Border Agents OVERRUN As Thousands STORM The Border OVERNIGHT! [Updated 404019] [Also PHB comment]

Kathy English

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OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP - APRIL 2, 2019 l BREAKING: INVASION! Border Agents OVERRUN As Thousands STORM The Border OVERNIGHT! [Updated 404019] [Also PHB comment]

In love and of the light to the Bellringers,

I think President Trump is aware of this option, and if you recall he did mention in one of his tweets or speeches (cannot recall), he said as such when he mentioned bikers, positive factions of the military, and well informed patriots.  What I think that he is doing is using laws on the books that are geared to enslave humanity to actually free humanity by coordinating it with the Constitution.  President Trump is constantly telling the American public, why is this action applicable in one situation, but not for this situation (case in point;  Nadler requesting the full unredacted report of the Mueller’s investigation knowing full well that they would jeopardize grand jury investigations that are currently ongoing.  During Peter Strokzx  congressional hearing he would not answer questions because of Mueller’s ongoing investigation.  Even Horowitz could not answer questions because of Mueller’s ongoing investigations.)  Now that Huber and an unknown attorney whom happens to be paralleling other investigations, the clowns want the full report.  (Can we say obstruction of justice)?

The media portrays President Trump as being a dictator, and everything under the sun; which is farther from the truth, he is informing the world, that things are not as they seem.  President Trump, as well as Q is exposing the true enemy of humanity and earthshan.  Q mentioned that 4-6% will probably not awake to what is going on and I agree, I have a friend that told me that they did not want to know the truth.  I accepted that and most likely will never hear from this person again.  I will let that person seek their own truth.

Back, to the original of why I wrote this; is that President Trump and Q are exposing the criminal actions of these culprits, and to wake up as many people as possible to avoid a civil war in this country.  You guys know that I’m a black American Patriot; but I am witnessing an onslaught war against white males, and the sad part about this they have been recruiting white feminist females to aid in this attack.  Now think about this, if President Trump were to employ the militia of I am sure they would heed the call, it would be 95% white males, for I am sure other Americans from other ethnic races would be present; however, they would not be presented on the mainstream media.  I live in southern California, and the MSM would not show my presence at the border supporting the militia.  Also, keep in mind with the high percentage of white males being in the militia, the MSM would have field day with this and label it is as being a race war which is far from the truth.  President Trump knows that you have his back; he is going to beat these culprits on all stages.

Another note to keep in mind; is when the MSM will ask President Trump about Q, for they are constantly attacking Q, but through all his press briefings never the question is asked.  In all President Trump’s outings Q aficionados are there and President Trump recognizes these people, but not one so called journalist ask the question.

In closing, Q posts; told us in the beginning that we are watching theatre, set back and watch the show.  We know that on the surface nothing seems to be happening; however, your website alone with others and YouTube, twitter accounts, gab, citizen journalists blog sites; I have gained a wealth of information that contradicts the MSM.  Not to mention Q posts that informed us of the 4am talking points and the news cycle changes for distraction.  A well informed public worldwide is what is needed to bring these culprits to heel, and this can never happen again, so the worldwide populist must be educated to the truth.  Just know that President Trump is well aware of his support, and the patriots are working for a smooth transition.  All should fully understand the Art of War and that it is not about promoting war.

Kathy English <>