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Trump's Approval Numbers Climb 7 Points


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Trump's Approval Numbers Climb 7 Points

Trump has had many successes in recent months and his approval rating is showing that to be true beyond a reasonable doubt. This compiled with the many failures of the Democrats is giving many Republicans optimism for 2020. As The Daily Wire reports:


Gallup's poll surveyed 1,016 adults from February 1 through February 10, and has a margin of error of four percentage points.

Gallup notes that Trump's overall approval rating has not been this high since the confirmation of his second U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, last October. Furthermore, the only two instances when Gallup has polled Trump's overall approval rating as higher than 44% have been the first week of his term and after his June 2018 meeting in Singapore with North Korea dictator Kim Jong Un.

Gallup's poll is hardly the first bit of good polling news this week for the president. On Wednesday, Rasmussen's daily tracking poll — which is generally more pro-Trump than is Gallup's polling — showed 50% of likely U.S. voters approving of President Trump's job performance, overall. Rasmussen's polling of Trump's overall approval rating also demonstrates a marked improvement from January's shutdown nadir.

Many are citing the recent Green New Deal catastrophe as a pusher of his polling numbers. As it stands now 2020 is looking good for Donald Trump.