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The Numbers Are In: Trump Beats Pelosi After Shutdown


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Many have said that President Trump lost the shutdown battle with Speaker Pelosi, but a new poll shows otherwise. Pelosi's favorability numbers have dropped well below Trump's following the battle.

According to The Daily Wire:

A new poll from NBC and the Wall Street Journal shows that one politician lost big during the shutdown, but shockingly, that politician wasn't President Donald Trump — it was Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

In a strange twist of fate that must befuddle those who cheered Pelosi's hard line on the subject of the shutdown, refusing to budge even an inch on the border wall in order to force the president to re-open the government without concessions on the part of Democrats, Pelosi's favorables tanked during her standoff.

More NBC/WSJ poll: Pelosi’s negatives shot up during government shutdown more than any pol // now the most unpopular politician tested in the survey.


n the previous poll, Pelosi had nearly a 50% approval rating. In the most recent poll, that number tanked nearly 20 points, leaving her competing for "least liked politician" with the president, whose numbers moved only twelve points.

Those who reported having a "negative view" of Pelosi increased by six points, even as both Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's numbers stayed relatively the same.

Pelosi thinks she won and is gloating to networks about her win. We will see how this stance helps other Democrats in the House and the ensuing battle between Trump and Pelosi over wall funding.

Trump has promised to get the wall built one way or the other.