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The Shutdown Is Providing Evidence Of Private Businesses Making Government Obsolete

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"I am greatly heartened by the public starting to at least question why it is They need, or do not need government; provable by the response and actions that more and more are taking." There is not one government function, not one, that could not be done by the private sector for 1/10th the cost, with far superior results and quality. Face it Sports Fans, about the only thing government is good at is stealing the public's money, dividing the loot, and throwing everyone in jail They can.

Aside from the glaring fact that nobody really needs government, there is the issue of cost and benefit thankfully now being pondered and contemplated more seriously during this government shut-down, which will eventually lead to the inescapable conclusion by hard working 'private-sector' Americans, that maintaining such a monstrosity -- against the realized benefits to "We The People" -- is seriously disproportionate.

"Government represents a general condition of overall stasis, and stagnation in all areas having to do with quality of life." Moreover, the human race will forever be stuck in kindergarten until the addiction and habit called government, is given up cold turkey."

There is so much talent and potential in this world that is kept mute and suspended by government, that if It were to suddenly be unleashed and unhindered, would in a very short time, have the potential of advancing the quality of life for everyone, in unimaginable leaps and bounds. --RR


The government shutdown is just providing more evidence that the government itself is unnecessary. Private companies in the Yellowstone area are voluntarily paying to keep the park clean without federal funding.

According to Reason,nearly three weeks into the government shutdown, some of America’s national parks are starting to get a bit rank. Access to the parks (which are supposedly “owned” by the people who think they are the government) is free since there are no employees to collect the typical $35-per-vehicle entrance fee. But that comes with the trade-off of there being no employees to empty trash bins or clean toilets either.

Meanwhile, without being forced by the government, private companies are voluntarily paying to keep Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming clean. National Public Radio reports, local businesses are chipping in to make sure the bathrooms get cleaned, the roads get plowed, and the tourists keep coming. Even in the middle of winter, the park gets an estimated 20,000 visitors per month—and those hardy folks want to rent snowmobiles, hire tour guides, and take sightseeing trips. The private-sector businesses that thrive on those tourist dollars have a pretty strong incentive to make sure Yellowstone remains accessible – much more incentive than the government has.

This is what voluntary interaction looks like.  Not one single person is forcing these companies to pay for snow plowing, however, because it is in their best interests, they have decided to foot the bill. Xanterra Parks and Resorts, which runs the only hotels inside Yellowstone that remain open during the winter, is leading the effort to cover the $7,500 daily tab for keeping the roads plowed and the snowmobile trails groomed during the shutdown, NPR further reports. Thirteen other private businesses that offer tours of the park are also chipping in $300 a day to help cover that expense.

There’s also probably a useful lesson here about what the privatization of national parks would look like. Rather than the corporatized dystopia of environmentalist nightmares, removing the government from the equation would allow businesses that have a vested interest in maintaining and protecting America’s natural splendor to do exactly that—and would prevent the parks from being caught up in the unrelated drama of whatever nonsense is happening in Washington, D.C. –Reason

In all, it seems like a pretty straightforward lesson about how private businesses will respond to changing market conditions and incentives. Keeping the park accessible means those businesses can continue to profit off tourists, government shutdown or not.  The market has responded and as government becomes more obsolete and people begin to realize they can live their lives without a master dictating their every move and stealing their money, there will be more and more stories such as this that come to light.