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Meet the Next Secretary of Defense

After President Trump's moral yet controversial decision to withdraw all American forces from Syria, several names came up as potential replacements for outgoing Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis.



One of the names mentioned was Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan. A former Boeing executive, Shanahan has a perspective on U.S. military obligations overseas that more closely resembles the president's – as opposed to retired generals.


Today, Trump named Shanahan as Mattis' replacement.


The Daily Caller's Benny Johnson reports



Trump announced the move Sunday in a tweet. “Patrick has a long list of accomplishments while serving as Deputy, & previously Boeing,” the president said, “He will be great!”


I am pleased to announce that our very talented Deputy Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, will assume the title of Acting Secretary of Defense starting January 1, 2019. Patrick has a long list of accomplishments while serving as Deputy, & previously Boeing. He will be great!


Here are some career highlights for Shanahan, according to his bio on the Defense Department website:

  • Shanahan has two advanced degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • He enjoyed a three-decade career at Boeing, ascending to the position of senior vice president.
  • He also served as vice president and general manager of Boeing Missile Defense Systems and Boeing Rotorcraft Systems.
  • President Trump appointed him 33rd Deputy Secretary of Defense on July 19, 2017.

President Trump announced that Mattis was stepping down earlier in the week. Mattis served two years in the position with distinction, focusing on the fight with ISIS and combatting global terrorism.


Shanahan also enthusiastically supports Trump's proposed Space Force.