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Donald Trump Ended Robert Mueller With This One Piece Of Paper

Kelly Walsh

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Donald Trump

Politico reported Trump and his legal team set an “informal deadline” of answering Robert Mueller’s written questions about Russian collusion by Thanksgiving.

In a Fox News interview, Trump revealed that he thought the questions were easy.

And it wasn’t a big deal. By the way, it wasn’t a big deal. The answers — the questions were asked and answered. It wasn’t a big deal. You know, they make it like I had meetings for many, many hours — I got the questions, I responded, we wrote them out, I read them once, I read them a second time, we made some changes, that’s it. They’re very simple,” Trump stated.

He also told interviewer Chris Wallace that they would be submitting the answers “soon.”

Trump’s bombshell about submitting his answers to Mueller by Thanksgiving changed the timelines for the probe.

If Trump submits his answers, that could be the final piece that pushes the Mueller probe toward a conclusion.

Mueller and his Deep State allies hoped this would stretch into the 2020 election season.

They hoped they could kill Trump through death by a thousand cuts of indictments, leaks, and disclosures while he ran for re-election.

But Trump foiled that plan by turning in his answers to Mueller so soon.

Donald Trump Shuts Down Possibility of Mueller Interview

Trump also slammed the door on sitting down with Mueller for an interview about possible obstruction of justice when he fired former FBI Director James Comey.

Trump’s lawyer signaled for months they preferred Trump not agree to a Mueller interview.

Rudy Giuliani explained why Mueller failed to prove he needed a sit-down interview with Trump.

I wouldn’t argue that you can never subpoena a president. I would argue that you can’t in this particular case because, to subpoena a president, you have a burden you don’t have with anybody else,” the President’s lawyer stated. “You’ve got to show a real need for it. A real need for it in terms of developing your case and not a real need in order to try to trap him. Trapping is not a legal legitimate objective.”

Fox News’ Chris Wallace pressed Trump in a recent interview about sitting down for an interview with Mueller.

Trump answered that it was unlikely.

We gave very, very complete answers to a lot of questions that I shouldn’t have even been asked, and I think that should solve the problem. I hope it solves the problem. If it doesn’t, you know, I’ll be told and we’ll make a decision at that time. But probably this is the end,” Trump declared.

Trump refusing Mueller’s invitation to sit for a perjury trap should end any rumors that Mueller will be able to come up with anything on Trump.

Mueller trying to trick Trump into a misstatement so he can frame him for perjury was his last gasp.

But Trump turning in his written answers and refusing a sit-down interview ends that possibility.