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Charles Miller

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by Charles Miller


November 26th 2018


Dear President Trump, my President,


I approach you as trustee holding my property, my political will, the exercise of my right to choose the political forum which I inhabit.


Thus, this presentment is a Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes to the trustee sitting as CEO, Chief Magistrate, and Commander in Chief over the executive branch of the United States as whole, operating as a government.


YOU WILL: Please consider TWEETING the substance of law and directly issue proper Executive Order to Secretary of State covering the below facts.


As President you are required to insure honest elections, which is the transfer mechanism of personal property of the People, Political Will, to those elected for public trust operations, called government. Simply the Consent of the governed.


You are in possession of facts and public records exposing election tampering on a massive scale.


Your Secretary of State is required to OFFICIALLY RECORD the certificate of elections from the States Secretary of State.


Your Secretary of State is absolutely barred from accepting any certificate from any State wherein the mere appearance of election tampering is evident.


The United States as holder of powers issued by the States through the Constitution is not now, nor ever was, empowered to know of or have information causing belief, testifying to corrupted elections operated by the States, and fail to bar those elected from assuming  public office. To do so is conspiracy to deny honest government and the Rule of Law to the People and country, a high crime and TORT to which the United States has no defense.


As President you are absolutely barred from allowing any individual to service in and to government who may have relied on corrupted voter procedures.


Thus; proper elections are required to be implemented immediately for all federal positions under verifiable paper ballots establishing the public record of integrity of elections.


Charles Miller



Dear Donald        Trump November 26th 2018



Dear Donald John Trump November 25th 2018.jpg