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Jim Stone

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How many times has the President pulled a rabbit out of a hat? I’ve lost count. No matter what the thugs try to do, the “Trump Effect” kicks in and they are “Trumped”. (meaning Tigar will be toast.)  ~ BP

From Jim Stone, investigative journalist…

Number 1:

Not rumor: Trump to disband the 9th circuit court

Now that the supreme court is not sufficiently rigged to prevent it, Trump is going to start telling the supreme court to disband the corrupted lower courts, which they can do. This is a great day in history.

The decision by Trump was based in a 9th circuit court judge [Tigar] who was planted by Obama being used to stop Trump from doing his presidential duty to protect the nation. This took the form of Democrats appealing to a pre-corrupted court with judges that were willing to violate constitutional law and stop Trump from blocking the migrant caravan. Trump has to listen, his executive orders blocking migrants can be overturned by a corrupt judge, but now that the supreme court is not rigged, Trump can turn right around and say “the 9th circuit court is using powers outside of it’s jurisdiction and violating the separation of powers, they need to be done away with, disband them”. Then he can just issue a new executive order.

Obviously, since liberals can use any corrupted court they want they will simply find another and use it. PROBLEM: The cycle repeats. If they take this to Hawaii Trump can have that court wiped out now that the supreme court is not rigged, and will go along with doing so. This is precisely why there was such a freak out over Kavanaugh, he’s the lynch pin that is going to hang the judicial tyranny Obama put in place.


From Jim Stone, investigative journalist…

Number 2:

BOOOOM!!! Trump has activated the Intelligence Advisory panel

This panel has been dormant for a very long time, but was there to be activated. The job of the panel is to root out corruption in the intelligence agencies. This is very good news.

From the Washington Examiner: With Republicans poised to lose control of investigatory panels in the House of Representatives, President Trump is resurrecting a potentially powerful board capable of intimately reviewing intelligence agencies

The White House announced five appointments to the Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board on Tuesday evening, after selecting a chairman and vice chairwoman earlier this year.

The dormant board created by former President Dwight Eisenhower has no formal powers, but derives significant authority directly from the president, operating as his surrogate to smooth over agency rivalries, investigate misconduct, and evaluate intelligence collection policies.

My comment: Right when the Dems stole the house and thought they were going to nail Trump with the intelligence agencies, they only activated his “Trump card”!!!