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Trey Gowdy Left Jaws On The Ground When He Shut Down Chuck Schumer

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Trey Gowdy

Donald Trump turned Washington upside down when he announced he accepted Attorney General Jeff Sessions resignation.

Chuck Schumer went on the warpath to accuse Trump of a Watergate-style cover-up.

But then Trey Gowdy went on TV and shut down Schumer with these nine words.

Donald Trump Accepts Jeff Sessions Resignation

After months of speculation, Attorney General Jeff Sessions finally resigned on Wednesday.

Trump had lost faith in Sessions after Sessions caved to pressure and recused himself from the Russia investigation.

That move allowed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint Robert Mueller.

Ever since then, the clock began ticking on Sessions time at the Justice Department.

And on Wednesday, Trump finally put the rumors to rest.

Trump tweeted:

We are pleased to announce that Matthew G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice, will become our new Acting Attorney General of the United States. He will serve our Country well….

….We thank Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his service, and wish him well! A permanent replacement will be nominated at a later date.

Sessions Replacement Questions Robert Mueller

Matt Whitaker moved up to Acting Attorney General.

Fake news media “reporters” and Democrats fumed because Whitaker believes there should be limits on the Mueller probe.

He also once wrote that he would have indicted Hillary Clinton.

So Democrats pounced and demanded that Whitaker recuse himself from the Mueller probe.

Chuck Schumer released a statement in response.

“Given his previous comments advocating defunding and imposing limitations on the Mueller investigation, Mr. Whitaker should recuse himself from its oversight for the duration of his time as acting attorney general,” it read.

Of course what Democrats really want is an open-ended fishing expedition.

They would love the Mueller probe to run all the way through the 2020 election.

Schumer and the Democrats don’t care about the truth – and neither does Bob Mueller and his team – they just want the cloud of this hoax scandal to hang over the President.

Now that Sessions is out, Rosenstein is no longer in charge of the Mueller probe.

That job now falls to Whitaker.

So Schumer and the Democrats will collude with the fake news media to apply pressure to Whitaker to leave Mueller alone.

Trey Gowdy Shuts Down Schumer

Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox News Special Report to discuss these developments.

Gowdy responded to a clip of Schumer questioning Whitaker by stating that every prosecutor has limits.

He began, “Every prosecutor has jurisdictional boundaries. I don’t know a single prosecutor that does not. Mueller’s jurisdictional boundaries were set by Rod Rosenstein in the memo you have seen and they were altered, amended in the memo that we have not seen. But there has never been a prosecutor that just had unfettered power to go investigate whatever the heck he or she wanted to do.”

Gowdy ripped Schumer for wanting a special counsel to operate with no limits and no accountability.

Critics believe Schumer’s position is un-American.

Finally, Gowdy noted that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was the wrong man for the job.

The South Carolina Republican brought up the recent controversies about Rosenstein wanting to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.

He also pointed out that Rosenstein refused to appear before Congress to answer questions.

“I’m not sure that would’ve been the right pick,” Gowdy stated in response to Schumer and others who thought Whitaker was the wrong pick.