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Rocky Montana

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April 27, 2018

Re:  Our fake U.S. Immigration policy


Dear President Trump:

"Whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers ... a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy." --Thomas Jefferson

We-the-people know that you are personally NOT responsible for the current pretend U.S. Immigration policy you inherited, however, we voted you into office largely because you identified this current fraud inimical to our nation, and promised you would remove the barriers hindering the rule of law so that this system can operate as Constitutionally and legally intended.  Notwithstanding the border wall, the first three items below describe the inequities that are built into our current sham of U.S. Immigration policy that must be focused on, addressed, and cured NOW, with all the might of the Executive Branch behind it until they are cured:

1.    You MUST put an end to the CATCH-AND-RELEASE immigration fraud!  There IS NO immigration law with this scam in place!  The American people know that the vast majority of illegal aliens released by the Dept. of Immigration into our country, pending a future court date (2 years hence), never show up to court, and worse, neither this department nor the Justice Dept. do nothing about it.  Sham!  CLOSE THE LOOP HOLE! 

2.    You MUST start vetting illegal immigrants who claim to be fleeing political/religious, etc., persecution and asking for asylum.  All illegal aliens have been schooled to feign persecution from their country of origin and ask for asylum, knowing full well that the U.S. Department of Immigration cannot refuse them into our nation.  Sham!  CLOSE THE LOOPHOLE!

3.    You MUST prosecute the fake media and other anti-America groups (i.e., radical "open borders" groups) AIDING AND ABETTING illegal aliens into the U.S.  They will continue doing this as long as the U.S. government does not act.  Sham!  CLOSE THE LOOPHOLE! 

Mr. President, we know that the absence of a Law and Order Immigration policy (as you outlined in your campaign promises many times) is a "CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER" to the United States of America and our American way of life.  I believe the case can be successfully made, under U.S. Constitutional Law, for the three items above falling under the authority of the Executive Powers of the President--not Congress.  SO, GET THOSE CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYERS BUSY MAKING YOUR and OUR CASE! 

Mr. President, if you don't attend these three items, AND SOON, there will be NO END to illegal immigration, NO END to the DNC using all incoming illegal aliens' names to vote Democrats into all political offices of power, NO HOPE for a two party political system, NO HOPE for the Republican Party, and NO HOPE for "Making America Great Again".

One other item:  We-the-people also know that you are not responsible for the current lack of funds for "a big, beautiful border wall" (which you also promised us).  Nonetheless, there are several hundred potential illegal aliens arriving in Tijuana, Mexico today with the intent of walking across the U.S. border and in a very well coached manner, claiming refuge-status asylum, which  wouldn't be an issue if there were a border wall built to stop them.  This will continue until the loophole described in item 2. above has been closed.  The American people know that Congressional Democrats and Republicans are intentionally obstructing this border security measure through the "power of the purse" so to speak.  Therefore, if Congress is too feckless to pass a bill to finance the wall, it falls on the American people--and there is nothing stopping us--to privately raise the money for the exclusive purpose of financing the construction of the border wall.  Who knows, this might even shame Congress into remembering their priorities--the security of American citizens.   

Disappointed but ever hopeful,

Rocky Montana


 Exercise your first amendment rights by emailing this letter, or your own letter, to the White House.   Contact the White House -




April 27, 2018

Re:  Our fake U.S. Immigration policy


Dear President Trump:

"Whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers ... a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy." --Thomas Jefferson

We-the-people know that you are personally NOT responsible for the current pretend U.S. Immigration policy you inherited, however, we voted you into office largely because you identified this current fraud inimical to our nation, and promised you would remove the barriers hindering the rule of law so that this system can operate as Constitutionally and legally intended.  Notwithstanding the border wall, the first three items below describe the inequities that are built into our current sham of U.S. Immigration policy that must be focused on, addressed, and cured NOW, with all the might of the Executive Branch behind it until they are cured:

1.    You MUST put an end to the CATCH-AND-RELEASE immigration fraud!  There IS NO immigration law with this scam in place!  The American people know that the vast majority of illegal aliens released by the Dept. of Immigration into our country, pending a future court date (2 years hence), never show up to court, and worse, neither this department nor the Justice Dept. do nothing about it.  Sham!  CLOSE THE LOOP HOLE! 

2.    You MUST start vetting illegal immigrants who claim to be fleeing political/religious, etc., persecution and asking for asylum.  All illegal aliens have been schooled to feign persecution from their country of origin and ask for asylum, knowing full well that the U.S. Department of Immigration cannot refuse them into our nation.  Sham!  CLOSE THE LOOPHOLE!

3.    You MUST prosecute the fake media and other anti-America groups (i.e., radical "open borders" groups) AIDING AND ABETTING illegal aliens into the U.S.  They will continue doing this as long as the U.S. government does not act.  Sham!  CLOSE THE LOOPHOLE! 

Mr. President, we know that the absence of a Law and Order Immigration policy (as you outlined in your campaign promises many times) is a "CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER" to the United States of America and our American way of life.  I believe the case can be successfully made, under U.S. Constitutional Law, for the three items above falling under the authority of the Executive Powers of the President--not Congress.  SO, GET THOSE CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYERS BUSY MAKING YOUR and OUR CASE! 

Mr. President, if you don't attend these three items, AND SOON, there will be NO END to illegal immigration, NO END to the DNC using all incoming illegal aliens' names to vote Democrats into all political offices of power, NO HOPE for a two party political system, NO HOPE for the Republican Party, and NO HOPE for "Making America Great Again".

One other item:  We-the-people also know that you are not responsible for the current lack of funds for "a big, beautiful border wall" (which you also promised us).  Nonetheless, there are several hundred potential illegal aliens arriving in Tijuana, Mexico today with the intent of walking across the U.S. border and in a very well coached manner, claiming refuge-status asylum, which  wouldn't be an issue if there were a border wall built to stop them.  This will continue until the loophole described in item 2. above has been closed.  The American people know that Congressional Democrats and Republicans are intentionally obstructing this border security measure through the "power of the purse" so to speak.  Therefore, if Congress is too feckless to pass a bill to finance the wall, it falls on the American people--and there is nothing stopping us--to privately raise the money for the exclusive purpose of financing the construction of the border wall.  Who knows, this might even shame Congress into remembering their priorities--the security of American citizens.   

Disappointed but ever hopeful,

Rocky Montana




 Exercise your first amendment rights by emailing this letter, or your own letter, to the White House.   Contact the White House -