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by State of the Nation

…and he better do it fast!

State of the Nation

The writing is on the wall for everyone to see.

There have been a number of serious developments this week that are quite ominous for President Trump.

Just today the Senate is considering two bipartisan bills that will prevent Trump from terminating Robert Mueller as Special Counsel.  Even though Mueller has proceeded in an entirely biased and partisan manner, he is now being shielded by a treasonous Congress.  Senators Unveil Two Bipartisan Bills To Block Trump Firing Mueller

Before that occurred, Mueller had already begun impaneling a grand jury in the Russia probe.  The extraordinary speed of this process can mean only one thing—Deep State wants Trump removed from office…post haste!  Special Counsel Robert Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe

Not only that, but Mueller has also put top officials at the FBI on notice about testifying.  Exclusive: top FBI officials could testify against Trump

All of these initiatives taken together reflect an intention to railroad Trump out of Washington, D.C. with all deliberate speed.  These agents of Deep State — and they are everywhere inside the Beltway — are not wasting any time.  The real question is: “Will Trump waste precious time?

Russia sanctions bill

That Trump signed the Russia sanctions bill demonstrated how much Congress has disempowered him.  That such an unconstitutional law was even passed shows just how loyal members of both chambers of Congress are to the ever-perfidious Deep State.  The whole lot of them have proven themselves to be traitors to the American Republic.

Perhaps Trump signed the illicit legislation targeting especially Russia (Democrats are determined to start a war based on false pretenses), because he knew it was so flawed that it would not stand up to a Supreme Court challenge.  Because that’s exactly where it’s now going!

Trump signs Russian sanctions law, but expect a Supreme Court challenge in future

If Trump’s strategy was to permit all of the seditious members of Congress to out themselves, then it worked perfectly as all but 5 congressmen did just that.  The legislation was the most illegal piece of word merchandising ever to be approved in the nation’s capital.  Truly, what a cowardly bunch of representatives.  Not only did these ignoramuses arrogate power unto themselves unconstitutionally, they unlawfully stripped the POTUS of powers inherent to the highest position in the land.

In so doing, the 115th Congress has clearly cut the profile of the most corrupt in U.S. history.  And it only gets worse by the day.  Surely, all the Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves at the sight of so much treachery and treason.  It was President George Washington who prophetically warned the American people of this eventuality during his farewell address.   As follows:

20 Unheeded Warnings in Washington’s Farewell Address

Bottom line

Donald Trump had better act fast if he is to save his administration.

The Deep State is on a VERY serious mission to remove Trump from the White House by whatever means necessary.

Make no mistake about it, the agents of Deep State will eliminate Trump himself, even by way of a violent coup d’état.

In view of the various rapidly evolving schemes, it’s imperative that Trump firm up his statutory power over the military as Commander-in-chief, as well as over federal law enforcement.  That would mean the FBI.

Trump already has the most important demographics on his side.  The militias, the gun owners, the NRA members, the hunters, the police forces, the blue collar workers and the many [ARMED] Trumpeters’ have his back like never before.  Hence, Trump needs to consolidate his lawful authority whenever necessary; and exert his influence in an extremely efficient manner from this point forward.  Here’s why: Deep State Determined to Take Out Trump, Only the American People Can Stop It

State of the Nation

August 3, 2017

Trump is being cornered on his sinking ship by Congress.

Posted on by State of the Nation

Senators Unveil Two Bipartisan Bills To Block Trump Firing Mueller

Two separate bills – both with bipartisan backing from two Senate Judiciary Committee members – are being put forth to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s jobAs NBC News reports, the new legislation aims to ensure the integrity of current and future independent investigations, and “ensuring that the special counsel cannot be removed improperly is critical to the integrity of his investigation.”

As a reminder, Mueller was appointed as special counsel following Trump’s abrupt firing of FBI Director James Comey. Mueller, who was Comey’s predecessor as FBI director, has assembled a team of prosecutors and lawyers with experience in financial fraud, national security and organized crime to investigate contacts between Moscow and the Trump campaign.

NBC News notes that Trump has been critical of Mueller since his appointment, and the president’s legal team is looking into potential conflicts surrounding the team Mueller has hired, including the backgrounds of members and political contributions by some members of his team to Hillary Clinton. He has also publicly warned Mueller that he would be out of bounds if he dug into the Trump family’s finances.

However, Mueller has strong support on Capitol Hill.

And now, as NBC reports, two bills are being unveiled – from within the Senate Judiciary Committee – blocking a president from firing any special counsel, without a federal  judge’s approval if the president or his Administration is the center of the investigation.

 Bill 1.

Republican Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware plan to introduce the legislation Thursday. The bill would allow any special counsel for the Department of Justice to challenge his or her removal in court, with a review by a three-judge panel within 14 days of the challenge.

“It is critical that special counsels have the independence and resources they need to lead investigations,” Tillis said in a statement. “A back-end judicial review process to prevent unmerited removals of special counsels not only helps to ensure their investigatory independence, but also reaffirms our nation’s system of check and balances.”

“Ensuring that the special counsel cannot be removed improperly is critical to the integrity of his investigation,” Coons said.

Bill 2.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, another member of the judiciary panel, said last week that he was working on a similar bill that would prevent the firing of a special counsel without judicial review. Graham said then that firing Mueller “would precipitate a firestorm that would be unprecedented in proportions.”

Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey is also working on Graham’s legislation, according to Booker’s office. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has yet to signal support for either measure.

So the difference is Tillis-Coons bill is ‘reactive’ – once the firing has taken place, it can be challenged; where as the Graham-Booker bill is pre-emptive – forcing the decision to fire a special prosecutor to a Federal judge (as a reminder, only the attorney general or the most senior Justice Department official in charge of the matter can actually fire the special counsel).

These bills had been generally expected.

We look forward to Trump’s tweet-sponse to all of this, though it is kind of ironic that the only thing that brings the two sides of the aisle together is wanting to control Trump…
