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I’m starting to get a sick feeling about what just happened in the White House…

Allen B. West

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There are some interesting things happening in the President Trump White House. Recently President Trump seemed to make comments about his “strategist” Steve Bannon. Anytime someone says “I like you, BUT” — well, the separation is coming. There have been dismissals, but it appears it’s no longer rumor and innuendo. There will be some who won’t survive the first 100 days.

And here’s something that’s really giving me the willies.

As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, “White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner is leading an unprecedented effort to meddle in the White House’s National Security Council, causing mayhem for senior staff who say the president’s son-in-law is interfering in key foreign policy debates, according to Trump administration officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.